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"misled Over Fares To Works"
W HEN the West Midland Traffic Cornnaissioners refused to allow higher , fares on works services operated by J. Crowther, Wychbold, to the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., they had been......
Petition Against Transport Garage
A PETITION signed by 112 people t - i against the use of a site in Oldham for the erection of a transport garage was presented last week at an inquiry in Oldham. Mr. G. Mills,......
Transcript Puzzle Halts Appeal
A PPEARING for a coach operator at an appeal hearing at Salisbury last week, Mr. Ingram Poole suddenly discovered that his transcript of the proceedings before the South Eastern......
Advantages Of Turf) Ocharging
A DVANTAGES resulting from using r — k large-capacity engines running at reduced loadings could also he derived from turbocharging, Mr. E. Kellett, of the B.S.A. automotive and......