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British international operators will welcome the news that permit quotas could be increased for 1980. Although the decision may...
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permit loca ons for Britain later this month when it meets to draw up ; proposals for next year. proposals for next year. But...
EIGHTEEN months of planning and two months of proving trials have cleared the way for Southern Electricity Board to conduct a...
A SEVEN man team from the German transport union OTV has been investigating the "horrifying" driving habits of German lorry...
.T. Heavy Haulage Ltd, a member of the United Transport oup has acquired the entire share capital of Wrekin Roadys Ltd of...
TO ASSIST READERS during the present postal delays we are prepared to accept letters by telephone. The following numbers may be...
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A NEW business survey of the road haulage industry has been published, giving an overall picture of the state of the industry....
THE PRICE of tyres — including commercial vehicle tyres — is set to rise during the next six months. This warning was given by...
LIFTING the weight restri tion on lorries from 32 to : tons could not make a immediate or significant co: tribution to the...
BULK and module tra loading and shrink wrappir have added a new dimensic to the field of unit loads sa United Glass managing...
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Post Office ground almost to a t las week the question of whether or t it s ould be allowed to maintain its Inop ly has been...
ST IR DENNIS is to review the policy ling the yet-to-be-launched Delta O aulage vehicle and it is not exIt that the review will...
THE NEED to resolve union opposition to tachographs before legislation is introduced Will be emphasised by the Merseyside...
HOW MANY drivers, or employers, realise that if a child is injured in a road accident a claim for damages can be brought...
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NEW call for the Mersey Tunnel authorities to reconsider heir licy towards liquified petroleum gas is likely to be made )eca e...
THE GOVERNMENT has been asked by Merseyside Chamber of Commerce and Industry to recognise the importance of the transport...
A NEW E9,000 lorry park with room for 30 vehicles in Bridge Street, Stalybridge, is being ignored by drivers who prefer to...
THE VEHICLE Builders and Repairers Association is organising a visit to the frankfurt Motor Show from Friday to Sunday...
TRAILOR (UK) Limited has pointed out that we used its previous address in our directory of trailer manufacturers on June 22....
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THE BRITISH Road Federation wants to see Government backing for the roads programme in Essex and Hertfordshire to enable a new...
RESIDENTS at Lower Walton are threatening to seek an injunction against Warrington Council, and possibly mount a human...
A DETAILED study of Greater Manchester Council's proposals for the am Carrington spur road is to be carried out by the Trafford...
THE ELECTRIC Vehicle De velopment Group is holding it third international conferenci later this year. The two-day conference...
ITALY has introduced new speed limits for vehicles with a laden weight of over 8000kg (7.8 tons). The limits are 80km/h...
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10 Coal Leading Scheme Limited had gone about dismissing me 1 f their drivers after he had seriously damaged a vehicle e by...
Ho ever, it will be the only )ranc office the company will iavei the UK. Inst ad of carrying out preJelly ry inspections and...
techniques in Europe and take a more positive line to the end user. "Eaton believe that operators are not made aware of the...
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operations and as a result announces three new appointments, all based at the distribution centre at Fordhouses,...
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NTERNATIONAL HARVESTER is the first US engine prolucer to announce an engine to meet the anticipated steep rise a demand for...
dERCEDES-BENZ is to anrounce a turbocharged verion of its V6 engine shortly vhich will become available in inita in by...
RENAULT Truck and Bus will definitely be bringing a panel van into the UK in 1981. This was confirmed by the company's managing...
THREE 12.2 metres (40ft) chassisless, insulated semitrailers fitted with Avolift tail lifts and 1.4 metre (4ft 7in) wide side...
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EATON's 7200 Series transmission which is to be introduced at Frankfurt in September (CM June 29) will be fitted as standard...
THE Aro Ranger series of four-wheel drive crosscountry•vehicles will soon be available in this country. It will be offered in...
A LIQUID petroleum ga conversion of Chrysler's 5i Series will shortly be availabl in the UK. A prototype wa exhibited to...
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FIEAVY opposition to an application for an extended tour icence from central London by Swinards British and European fours led...
GREATER Manchester Transport recently commissioned a research study carried out by Market and Opinion Research International...
BEDFORD has extended its Roadcall 24 hour every day breakdown service to cover all new Bedford coaches. Bedford Roadcall will...
TATLOCK'S COACHES of Radcliffe, Lancashire, have recently taken delivery of two 14-seater Plaxton Supreme coaches on the...
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BUS DEALER Ensign of Grays, Essex, is now offering for sale a large number of exLondon Transport DMS-type Daimler Fleetline...
London Transport wants to buy part of the old AEC works at Southall. But rumours thai it may again be the home ol the "builders...
WEST GERMAN bus manufacturer Neoplan has won a contract to supply 500 new buses to the newly formed Saudi Arabian Public...
NOT IN answer to the energy crisis, although with some slight energy saving as a result, London Transport is to re-introduce a...
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ER APS SOMEONE, prefer- abi in the oil companies, could in to me when the fuel ;ho age really began, and why, Nhe it did, no...
WITH THE CURRENT concern about shortage of vehicle . fuels in future years, I am reminded of a vehicle test which took place...
PEOPLE who say Leyland Vehicles are no good are talking a load of rubbish. Leyland's vehicles can't be beaten — take for...
I REFER to an article in your issue of June 14 entitled "Tour firm caught out by the missing words". This was a report of the...
I WAS FASCINATED by your article on weights but suspect a deliberate mistake in that we lose 2000kg along the unladen weight,...
AS A VERY old-established Leyland commercial vehicle distributor and chairman of the Leyland Blueline Distributors...
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At last Norhern Ireland Carriers are ready to throw off the steam era image, starting wih an integrcred livery. Alan Millar...
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Ulster 's bus fleets suffer very particular problems. They get blown up a lot. Yet under md Werner Heubeck, morale and...
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Commercial Motor Fleet Management Conference 1979 After a distinguished career with both SPD and NFC, Sir Dan Pettit retired...
The theme is Looking Ahead to the 80s and the conference programme covers a wide range of subjects, all of which are important...
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The tipper version of Volvo's F7 range is no ligh - weight but it offers a good:package for owners, reports Steve Gray,...
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Why does Nornern Ireland hand out licences like postage stamps? It 's got Road Transport Association secretary Stanley Martin...
THE FUEL CRISIS has been hitting Northern Ireland hauliers hard, said Road Transport Association Stanley Martin, whose...
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"HORRIBLE DELAYS on the Border caused by lack of facilities and paperwork and aggravated by drivers' shorter hours are also...
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The Larne-Stranraer ferry is booming as export traffic from the Province booms. But the so-called Euroroute is just not up to...
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The Little People, it seems, meddle even in the registration of a company name in the Irish Republic. Peter Thomas, a director...
"The condition of new goods vehicles has improved appreciably over the past year," says the Freight Transport Associa tion....
Seddon Atkinson at least agree with me. The latest issue of their tabloid, Truckman, asks: "Why should anyone pay £27,000 and...
Even cows hate heavy lorries — except, that is, the Seddon Atkinson 300 with its International engine. I gather from Ian...
A new GM Perkins-engined pick-up launched in Brazil is, I am told, expected to be popular with stallholders in the innumerable...
Man-made-fibre ropes have the advantage of not rotting and of being much lighter and easier to handle than wire ropes or chains...
Stressing the case for rail electrification, the editor of Transport Salaried Staff Journal says: "Electric trains are less...
mugs Instead of Reds under beds, a Leyland employee sees bugs under mugs. In a letter to Leyland Times, which won him £5, he...
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Better off without it 6 The other countries insisted on negotiating quotas, although they were aware that such agreements were...
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by Graham Montgomen Total engine enclosure is a counsel of desperation, according tc Lucas-CAV's Noise Centre. Better to pay...
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Alan Millar talks to a firm which in ne space of a decade has turned a part-time activity into a 'ull-scale international...