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Twenty Years of Ideas nR IG IN A L1TY is welcomed at the Leyland Works; recently a machine setter-up. Mr. F. Sofield, of...
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Hears— ears— That a new company is often launched, like a new ship, with the cracking of a bottle. That cut rates won't...
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to Decide Sales by Companies BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT I ORD LEATHERS has tabled an amendment to the Transport Bill,...
S OUTHPORT magistrates decided last week that an insurance policy, stated to be comprehensive, issued to a director of a...
IN 1905, buses averaged 11.03 m.p.h. I eastbound along Piccadilly, London. In 1949, a survey revealed that the average speed of...
T HE annual conference of the Municipal Passenger Transport • Association will be held in Belfast from September 23-25.
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A N 1I - point case for a remission of tax on oil fuel used in buses and "coaches was presented, last week, to the Treasury....
A FTER full consultation with the Area committees, the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association has submitted to the Thesiger...
FARMING is the biggest single industry in this country, with a food-production figure of 11,043m, a year. In terms of traffic...
V B1-11CLES used by local authorities and the police for civil defence are to be exempt from licence duty. This provision is...
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A N appeal by the Road Haulage Executive against a decision of the Northern Licensing Authority was held to be not competent by...
A LETTER of sympathy concerning the flood disaster has been received by the Traders' Road Transport Associatio'n from the...
W E regret to record the deaths of MR. JOHN OLIVER CLUTTERBUCK and MR. GEORGE GALLEY. Mr. Clutterbuck had been transport...
Department will have a £64,517 surplus in 1953-54, compared with £118,640 in the current year and £47,583 in 1951-52. The...
MR. J. W. SHIRLEY has been appointed a director and general manager of Park Royal Vehicles, Ltd. MR. FRANK GLODE has been...
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WHEN the three- q uarter-mile-lon g W g ap in the sea defences at Suttonon-Sea was bein g filled with material brou g ht from...
("LAIMS made a g ainst the Road Haula g e Executive durin g 1951 for all g oods lost, stolen, pilfered and dama g ed are...
QUBSTANTIAL orders for Daimler s.-) buses have been received in the past two months from Bel g ium, Greece, India, Norway,...
W HEN Welsh industrialists had to meet the frustration caused by bad road communications and disproportionate road char g es,...
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months, the Minister of Transport has upheld appeals by Messrs. Charles Davies and Sons, Talgarffi, Brecon, against decisions...
A PPEALS lodged by Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., Majestic Express Motors,...
r 0 papers on modern trends in t 4 . 1 raffic handling will be read at the annual conference of the Institute of Traffic...
TCr 0 new vans being delivered to ustomers in Falmouth from Bradford were intercepted in Barnsley travelling at speeds of 49-51...
IT was stated before the East Midland Licensing Authority, last week, that there was a "transport war" proceeding between...
preW treatment plant for aluminium components, Leyland Motors, Ltd., can now claim to give protection to every metal unit in...
of Motor Manufacturers and Traders is producing "Night Must Fall," by Emlyn Williams, at the Fortune Theatre, London, W.C.2,...
QTRICTURES were passed by the Scottish Deputy Licensing Authority upon W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., last week, when Comfort...
" A PERNICIOUS piece of legisla tion," purely actuated by the Government's desire to return the profit motive to road...
training too easy for everybody." said Sir Frederick Handley Page at the annual dinner of the Institute of British Carriage and...
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T HE use of gas turbines in road vehicles will probably be brought a stage nearer by the construction in this country of...
A LL political parties arc equally ignorant and dangerous with regard to legislation affecting traders' vehicles. This lesson...
F IVE fire appliances with four-wheel drive are required by the Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals, Shahjahan Road,...
A MACHINE for cutting circles in glass, cork, rubber and many other materials, is available from Harmans Engineering Co.,...
T HE Flowblock pallet system devised by Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd., Birmingham, 12, to handle and store large quantities of box...
I N the absence of vehicle-heating systems, windscreens and windows can be kept free from mist by the use of specially treated...
The spring meeting of the Institute of Public Cleansing will be held in Leicester on April 9-10. An issue of £250,000 5%...
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By Our Parliamentary Correspondent nUR1NG the concluding stages of the LI second reading of the Transport Bill in the House of...
achieved by St. Cuthbert's Co-operative Association, Edinburgh, by fitting oil engines in 30-cwt. to 2-ton delivery vehicles....
Brighton Corporation deals with 200 vehicles of various makes and types and 170 mechanical appliances, states the manager in a...
A S there has been no objection to the proposal by the Minister of Transport to increase the speed limit for motor vehicles...
A S from April 1, George Cohen, Sons and Co., Ltd., will distribute Bray H.L. series Hydraloaders in Norfolk, Cambridgeshire,...
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T HE Scottish Licensing Authority stopped proceedings during the resumed hearing of an application by Scottish Roadways, Ltd.,...
P ANTOMIMES in Coventry and Birmingham were -so popular, Mr. L. W. A. White told the East Midland Licensing Authority, that...
QENIOR members of the technical 1.- 1 engineering staff of the Argentine Ministry of Transport were presented, in London, last...
Georgetown, Penang, have placed a further order with the Sunbeam Trolleybus Co., Ltd., for seven chassis. Trolleybuses have...
T HREE kinds of ignition suppressor are being made by K.L.G. Sparking Plugs Ltd. One forming a unit with the plug is known as...
T HE Eastern Licensing Authority should have been reported in The Commercial Motor on February 20 as having said that week-end...
S TATISTICS just published by the Stationery Office show that the number or hackneys, other than trams, has dropped by 3,700,...
G REATLY improved facilities for handling vehicles passing through Dover to or from France will be afforded by a new ferry...
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Greciter Choice By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. 0 NE of the great advantages that group working has to offer to the trader is...
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THIS is the reverse of those buildings which on opening day are eulogized in such terms as ` no expense spared.' Here, it is a...
W/FIEN the application for higher VY fares put forward by United Welsh Services, Ltd., Swansea, came before the South Wales...
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B OTH a tribute to British bodybuilders and an indication of future possibilities for the industry are provided by a recent...
TO bridge the gap between the converted cattle truck andthe de luxe horsebox, J. H. Jennings and Son, Ltd., Sandbacii, has...
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A T this time of the year, there rises to a climax the confused sound of appeals to the Chancellor of the Exchequer for cuts in...
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4m. Miles Run Annually by the of Rhondda Transport Co. ver Level , Ground, Yet the if the Rhondda Valleys De. Operations of the...
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By G. E. Neville Some Simple Rules to Observe to Ensure Success when Installing an Oil Engine in a Petrol-engined Chassis...
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N EW lighting equipment installed in the premises of the Barking Garage and Engineering Co., Ltd., provides an unusual solution...
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Weight-saving Carried to Extremes in Building Vehicles of Under 3 Tons Unladen : Suspension and Other Regulations Need...
embodied in the 1953 model of the Commer Express van. Among them are re-designed combustion chambers and a new Solex...
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would now be accepted as natural." Has " Janus " "dropped a brick "? For he inferred, in his article of February 13, that the...
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Hauliers Should Keep Accurate Records of Their Overhead and Running Expenses to be Able to Quote Charges That, Whilst...
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pATENT N. 682,91 1 comes from 1 A. B. Volvo, Gothenburg, Sweden, and gives details of an injection Pump in which the fuel...