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Tipper Bulldozed Into Sea Wall: B.r.s. Part In Flood Relief
WHEN the three- q uarter-mile-lon g W g ap in the sea defences at Suttonon-Sea was bein g filled with material brou g ht from Scunthorpe and Corby, one of the tippers in a lon g......
£653,000 Claims Against R.h.e.
("LAIMS made a g ainst the Road Haula g e Executive durin g 1951 for all g oods lost, stolen, pilfered and dama g ed are estimated at £653,000. The amount involved for thefts......
Big Overseas Demand For Daimlers
QUBSTANTIAL orders for Daimler s.-) buses have been received in the past two months from Bel g ium, Greece, India, Norway, Spain and West Africa, Bombay Electric Supply and......
Welsh Industrialists Must Protest
W HEN Welsh industrialists had to meet the frustration caused by bad road communications and disproportionate road char g es, they had to protest and demand that the way be......