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Fuel Duty Violates Basic Canon Of Taxation Call For Relief
A N 1I - point case for a remission of tax on oil fuel used in buses and "coaches was presented, last week, to the Treasury. Representatives of the Municipal Passenger Transport......
P.v.o.a. Case To Thesiger Committee
A FTER full consultation with the Area committees, the Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association has submitted to the Thesiger Committee a comprehensive memorandum. It deals with......
Agricultural Traffic Worth Ellorn.
FARMING is the biggest single industry in this country, with a food-production figure of 11,043m, a year. In terms of traffic potential, the industry offers carriers at least......
No Duty On C.d. Vehicles
V B1-11CLES used by local authorities and the police for civil defence are to be exempt from licence duty. This provision is made in the Civil Defence Vehicles (Relief from......