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O NE of the most deplorable aspects of post-war Britain is the deterioration of relations between the police and the public....
W ITH artificial impediments removed, the road haulage industry can now follow its natural course of development. It may well...
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O N and off, this American citizen has worked in Europe for 40 years. "So you are an internationalist," I said. " Put it that...
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metallurgical studies. His vacation earnings in the foundry went a long way towards paying his Grenoble expenses. After the...
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FROM P. A. C. BROCKINGTON F OR the first time in this country coach passengers have had the satisfaction of travelling in a...
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A HAULAGE contractor was told by Sir Hubert Hull, president of the Transport Tribunal, in London on Tuesday that if he were...
N EkT year the State-owned Scottish bus group are to buy a total of 276 vehicles for their fleet. They will be of various sizes...
W ITHOUT calling on the objectors, the South Eastern Traffic Commissioners, at Reading on Tuesday, refused to grant licences to...
British Transport Commission Tit l i i !re won their appeals in the cases of Pike and Roberts, in that these hauliers'...
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MR. - ALEX N. G IBB, director, has been appointed general manager of Lombank Scotland, Ltd. MR. S. D. GRAVELEY has been...
" IN an expanding economy there is room for both road and rail transport, and it is a good thing that the customer should have...
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T v IVHEN Halcyon Tours (Hull), Ltd., sought permission from the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners at Bridlington on Monday to...
THE Transport Tribunal in London L on Tuesday dismissed an appeal by the British Transport Commission against the grant of an A...
W HEN Wright Bros. (Wolverhampton), Ltd., applied to Mr. W. P. James, West Midland Licensing Authority, on Tuesday to transfer...
Burrows Haulage (London), Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: A. E. Burrows, Newstead, Coopersale Common. near Epping. Essex: C. A. Burrows....
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A LLEGATIONS that illegal coach operations had been matte in the Portsmouth area were put to Mr. R. IL. Harrold, Ministry of...
A STERN warning was issued to 1— k drivers by Mr. Ernest Marples, Minister of Transport, when he opened the London-Birmingham...
T HE final top surface is now being laid on the Preston motorway. The authorities say that the original temporary surface...
MEED for additional terminal facili ties was stressed at the traffic managers' conference of Associated Road Transport...
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L OCAL hauliers were suffering because an increasing number of large LOCAL projects was getting into the hands of big...
A Napplication to vary an experimental licence partly succeeded last week at Middlesbrough when the Northern Traffic...
ROMPT action was taken last week I by the national executive committee of the Road Haulage AssociatiOn on 12 resolutions passed...
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I LLUMINATED advertisements on the exterior side panels of buses were introduced last week. A vehicle of the Bristol Omnibus...
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ri E unofficial Sheffield bus strike had nothing to do with the decision to give notice to terminate the national agreement...
T'HE first full-scale appearance of I London Transport's new Routemaster buses will be made on Wednesday when the fourth stage...
A S a result of an action against Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., and one of their drivers, Harold Eastwood, Holme Lane, Malin...
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T HE public need carries greater weight than the quite legitimate desires of operators, it is stated in a written decision of...
TH E Radiophone service which the G.P.O. last week introduced in South Lanes will probably appeal to many vehicle operators who...
B ECAUSE the Northern Licensing Authority had refused to authorize the assignment of special-A-licensed tractors and...
G OODS traffic was rising and British Railways had at last begun to turn the corner, said Mr. T. H. Summerson, chairman of the...
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W HEN Eric Earls Bamford, who is serving a seven-year prison sentence for fraud, sought discharge from bankruptcy at Derby...
THE increasing demand for vehicles I indicated a period of prosperity and expansion in the industry for generations to come,...
THE design and condition of meat delivery vehicles had improved greatly but there were still too many unsuitable small vans...
--r-HE first completed LeylandFiremaster was demonstrated to fire officers and representativesof local authorities at...
A N agreement has been made between Marshall Motor Bodies, Ltd., Cambridge, and Mulliners, Ltd., Birmingham, to expand the...
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New Thornycroft Six-wheeler Announced Today Shows Firstclass Fuel Economy at High Speed: General Performance and Handling...
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Britain Catches Up on Modern Road Construction T HE London-Birmingham motorway, designated Ml, which was opened to traffic...
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Most Italian Manufacturers Have No New Designs to Exhibit at This Year's Twin Show : Motorcycle Maker Produces 1-tonner By John...
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A TYRE with tread-ring pieces which may readily be detached and replaced has been produced after seven years' development by...
A VOLUMINOUS report on the 1 – lbenefits expected from the LondonBirmingham motorway was issued yesterday. It has been prepared...
will form motorway patrols to be operated between London and Birmingham by the Royal Automobile Club. Gear carried will include...
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This article, the last in the series of three dealing with the work of Ministry of Transport vehicle examiners, considers some...
O UT of 160 vehicles stopped during the two full-scale road checks that I witnessed, 98 were issued with prohibition notices....
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THE most significant factor in the "Summary of' the Annual Reports of the Traffic Commissioners, 1958-59" (Stationery Office....
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A NEW engine, and modifications to the clutch-actuating mechanism, the brakes and the exhaust system are features of the Albion...
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A SPECIAL high lifting attachment for their series 51 electric fork-lift truck has been produced by the Yale and Towne...
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p UZZLED and a little angry, a correspondent wishes to have verified or refuted the claim recently made to him by a railway...
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Assessment of Costs of Running on High-Speed Roads Must Allow for Differing Aims Planning for Profit I N endeavouring to...
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T O be exhibited by Watson Bros. (Airdrie), Ltd., at the Scottish Motor Show, which opens in Glasgow next 'Friday, a new...