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li KE other members of the British Transport Commission, Mr. A. B. B. Valentine, in his presidential address to the Railway...
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A NEW practical sense is evident in the national organizing committee of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition. The...
Chromium-plating Efficiency Raised nNE of the companies in the Guest, Keen and Nettle fold's Group is Ionic Plating, who are...
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That this goes to show how closely the journal is read— and how seldom the " offence " is committed. -->---- The query: "If...
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nISTRICT organization officers of the National and Local Government Officers' Association have been asked to reopen...
R EPRESENTATIONS to the Government for a reduction in fuel tax are being made by the National and Local Government Officers'...
A S an operator of a substantial fleet, Mr. P. Strain, Newtonstewart, should know better than to break the law, the Scottish...
'THE Government's failure to remove purchase tax from goods-vehicle chassis is blamed by Sir John E. Thornycroft, governing...
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n BSERVATIONS made by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners when they granted a coach operator additional excursions were...
R ESEARCH being done in this country to produce liquid fuels from coal is partly revealed in " Fuel Research 1957, The Annual...
A N attempt by Walker Bros. (Cowdenheath), Ltd., to have three contract-A vehicles transferred to A licence failed at...
H OME licences to allow Peter Rhodes. I 1 Ltd., London, El, to carry chilled meat to the Swiss-Italian frontier were granted on...
application by Tartan Arrow Service, Ltd., London, S.E.1, no one noticed that certain evidence brought up the question of...
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LIVE employees of Bulk Liquid Trans ' port, Ltd., Gildersome, are to appear with the company at Leeds Assizes on charges of...
I T is fairly certain that the Minister of Transport will secure his full share of the extra £150m. of investment in the public...
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T "grant of a new A licence to McKelvie and Co., Ltd., Barrhead, for four specially adapted steel-carrying articulated vehicles...
A N undertaking was given by G. and C. - 1-1 Johnson (Claxby), Ltd., at Lincoln, last week, that they wotild not loan their...
A LARGE number of new schemes to improve cross-country communications in Scotland is included in a fouryear programme of...
PA. A N appeal has been lodged by the Teesside Railless Traction Board against a decision by the Northern Traffi,:...
A N application for fare increases which would affect more than 200 services has been made by the West Riding Automobile Co.,...
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FROM JOHN F. MOON TURIN, Tuesday. A IR suspension is a strong feature of the Turin Show, which opens tomorrow and closes on...
WHILE checking the purchase of oil • VV made by a gravel company, a Customs and Excise officer discovered that between...
ri. A NEW double-deck coach, accommodating probably 51 passengers in adjustable reclining seats, will be operated...
DRE'VIOUSLY engaged in the produc tion of light trailers, Boden Trailers, Ltd., Royton, Oldham, have now entered the heavy...
general manager, Mr. H. C. Simmonds, for starting the withdrawal of trolleybuses in favour of motorbuses, were rejected by the...
G LASGOW is to have a full-time road safety officer, it was announced last week. Cllr. T. Kay said Mr. George Kerr. of the Town...
and General Workers' Union and the National Union of General and Municipal Workers, delegates of municipal busmen on Wednesday...
WE regret to announce the death of Vv MR. L. C. KITSON, director of Glover, Webb and Liversidge, Ltd., and managing director of...
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the London bus are numbered, according to Mr. Alexander Samuels, chairman of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory...
P LANS by Repeo,• Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, to compete in Britain in the supply of transport service equipment were outlined...
T HE " dodgem " equipment carried on a trailer by a fairground showman was classed by Nottingham magistrates, last week, as an...
A N express licence linking London and Manchester via the new motorway may be sought by the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd....
for the future, but it was important to solve the problem presented by the unofficial strikes which had bogged down some of our...
A DEAL involving a special A licence was described to the East Midland Deputy Licensing Authority, Mi. A. R. M. Ellis, last...
D URING September, October and November, bulk cement delivery in Norway is running at its peak before mid-winter puts an...
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W HEN the North Western Traffic Commissioners continued hearing a works service application by Eagle Motors, Huyton, last week,...
A LL the share capital of Eugene Lauf (Pty.), Ltd., and Lumcnite (Pty.), Ltd., two South African manufacturers of pistons and...
THE share capital of E. H. Pickford 1 and Co., Rootes main dealers, Sheffield, has been acquired by Thomas W. Ward, Ltd. Mr. FL...
F OLLOWING a meeting of their rates sub-committee on Wednesday, the long-distance hauliers' committee of the Road Haulage...
T RAFFIC was flowing this week on two further lengths of twin carriageway on the Great North Road. Between Buckden railway...
VEN if Labour won the next election, the Road Haulage Association could defeat their road transport policy, according to Mr. I....
T HE latest addition to the Transport Ferry Service's fleet, m.v. " Bardic Ferry ", docked at Tilbury on Tuesday after her...
for the whole of the Scottish road fleet of British Railways has been brought into operation in Glasgow. It is adjacent to...
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A N application by Smiths Luxury r - 1 Coaches (Reading), Ltd., to take over an excursion and tours licence held by Mrs. Laura...
A CODE of recommended practice for the measurement of the stability factors of fork-lift trucks -has been established by the...
Pi A CHECK on the records of drivers working for West Breconshire Farmers' Association, Ltd„ brought to light 225 hours'...
A N order for the compulsory winding up of Wembley Coaches, Ltd., Clarendon Road, Harrow, Middx, was made in the Chancery...
L'OOTBALL supporters at - Bracknell. 1 Berks, may travel to Reading P.C. away games on vehicles operated by Smiths Luxury...
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T HE renewal of a two-vehicle A licence held by Mr. P. A. Thorne, Eastville, Bristol, was strongly opposed, last week, by the...
A T an exhibition of municipal vehicles to be held all next week in the Shaw and Kilburn showrooms, Berkeley Square, London,...
LONDON NEXT YEAR 1 I /TORE lengths of road 'in the London M Traffic Area are to have 40 m.p.h. restrictions, following a report...
maim units has been introduced in South Africa by Leyland Albion (Africa), Ltd., and throughout the Central African Federation...
QEVEN months after having a vehicle deleted because it was not in use, W. R. and H. Cross, Great Barr, Birmingham, applied last...
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A VEHICLE being run illegally on fuel on which no duty has been paid is liable to seizure by the Customs and Excise—and it can...
rA A NEW 35-ft.-long tank made of rubber-coated rayon, with an outer surface of neoprene, for carrying 3,800 gal. of liquid,...
this year, 2.9m. tons i of petrol were delivered to dealers, and of this quantity two-thirds comprised premium grades. The...
A DULT men covered by the transport agreement between the N.A.A.F.I. and the Transport and General Workers' Union have been...
Industrial Disputes Tribunal after December 10. That body will cease to exist after March 1 next year.
A PPLY1NG for seven new excursions from Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbys, Eric Bowers Coaches, Ltd., found opposition to only one...
S IX schemes, each costing more than £500,000, for improving roads in London between next year and 1962, were announced last...
Tokyo. air suspension is being extensively used in Japanese commercial vehicles, goods and passenger. The range of light vans...
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Civil-engineering Products Stimulate Production of Heavy Equipment : More American Appliances Becoming Available in this...
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Stop, Thief! By The Hawk TWO daring robberies (to coin a phrase) were recently com mitted in the Midlands. One was the theft...
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Than Rail: Mr. A. B. B. Valentine Excess of Facilities and Unrealistic Rail Rates Make Transport Unnecessarily Costly C...
O PERATORS of A-licence vehicles who have to disclose a change in their normal user need not fear action by the Licensing...
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T HERE is always something to learn in transport, even after a lifetime's connection with it. This was emphasized for me when I...
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T HE background to the agreement concluded between the Central Electricity Authority and the British Transport Commission for...
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New Commer Forward-control Range of 4-, 5-, and 6-tonners Has Brisk Performance By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. G IVING good...
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Stronger Tippers A RANGE of drop-sided tipping bodies stated to have a better appearance and resistance to damage than...
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Normal User, Take-overs and Weight Increases C ONDITIONS of normal user declarations, difficulties involved in take-over...
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TO give a low ground pressure. tracks are fitted to a novel trailer produced by R. A. Dyson, Ltd, 76 Grafton Street, Liverpool,...
Railways' Expense ,9 P OINTING out that there had been a considerable fall in the railways' coal and coke traffic. Mr. S. W....
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I NTROSPECTION is not one of the infirmities of the average haulier. The reason may be partly because he has not to think very...
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Jeremiahs at Work A LTHOUGH not a wheel has yet turned on any of the home motorways, the Jeremiahs have already started...
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it QUICKER HANDLING Freight Transport Exhibition Emphasizes Increased Use by B.R.S. of Special Vehicles S 0 far as the...
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Time is Ripe for the Public to Be Told How Cheap Bus Travel Is : Cost Comparisons with Car Ownership Are— W HILST the reasons...
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A N improvement of up to 50 per cent, in applied force and a 20-per-cent. increase in brake-rod travel for a g iven lever...
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rENTR1FUGAL clutches, as usually fitted to vehicles, make a tow-start impossible. A clutch that operates centrifugally, but...