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Vehicles Using Duty-free Oils Can Be Seized, Judge Holds
A VEHICLE being run illegally on fuel on which no duty has been paid is liable to seizure by the Customs and Excise—and it can be recovered only by paying its value to the......
Collapsible Tanks Catch On In U.s.a.
rA A NEW 35-ft.-long tank made of rubber-coated rayon, with an outer surface of neoprene, for carrying 3,800 gal. of liquid, can be rolled up to occupy a space 7 ft. 4 in. long......
2.9m. Tons Of Petrol Used Visi The First Half Of
this year, 2.9m. tons i of petrol were delivered to dealers, and of this quantity two-thirds comprised premium grades. The total amount was 86 per cent. above the figure for......
More Pay In N.a.a.f.i.
A DULT men covered by the transport agreement between the N.A.A.F.I. and the Transport and General Workers' Union have been awarded a pay increase of 8s. a week. Women receive......
End Of Tribunal Mo Dispute Will Be Referred To The
Industrial Disputes Tribunal after December 10. That body will cease to exist after March 1 next year.......
Only Three Coaches May Serve Bakewell Show
A PPLY1NG for seven new excursions from Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbys, Eric Bowers Coaches, Ltd., found opposition to only one when they appeared before the Western Traffic......
Six Big London Road Works
S IX schemes, each costing more than £500,000, for improving roads in London between next year and 1962, were announced last week by London County Council. Seven minor schemes.......
Jai's Adopt Air Springs A Ccording To A Report From
Tokyo. air suspension is being extensively used in Japanese commercial vehicles, goods and passenger. The range of light vans is also being extended. Japan claims fourth Mace......