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"london Buses Are On The Way Out !, • T He Days Of
the London bus are numbered, according to Mr. Alexander Samuels, chairman of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee. He says: " As more people can afford cars,......
Australian Attack On British Market
P LANS by Repeo,• Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, to compete in Britain in the supply of transport service equipment were outlined exclusively to The Commercial Motor on Tuesday.......
"dodgem" Gear Classed As Indivisible Load
T HE " dodgem " equipment carried on a trailer by a fairground showman was classed by Nottingham magistrates, last week, as an "indivisible load of exceptional length." They......
Another Motorway Express?
A N express licence linking London and Manchester via the new motorway may be sought by the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd. Mr. G. Brook, general manager, said they were......
"tackle Strike Problem" Vents Of The Past Year Gave...
for the future, but it was important to solve the problem presented by the unofficial strikes which had bogged down some of our important industries. This was stated by Mr. John......
Authority Hears Of Special-a Deal
A DEAL involving a special A licence was described to the East Midland Deputy Licensing Authority, Mi. A. R. M. Ellis, last week. He was told that Mr. T. H. Creasy, Boston,......
Peak In Bulk Cement Delivery
D URING September, October and November, bulk cement delivery in Norway is running at its peak before mid-winter puts an effective brake on operations. During October, for......