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The doors of Glasgow's Kelvin Hall open today on the traditional biennial Scottish Motor Show. Traditionally too, as befits a...
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UNION SIGNS AGREEMENT WITH 19 HAULAGE FIRMS by lain Sherriff • Almost 2,000 commercial vehicle drivers were told this week...
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• Bilateral agreements restricting the number of international journeys by goods vehicles are to be the subject of urgent study...
by the Technical Editor • At the Scottish Motor Show, .opening today, 44-ton tractive units make news. One model in this...
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form for an operator's licence, for completion by existing carrierslicence holders during the transitional period, will call...
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• As part of a rationalization drive in the London area, British Road Services Ltd. and BRS (Constracts) Ltd., have formed a...
• The Freight Transport Association has introduced a special service to assist members with operators' licensing. As well as...
• The Yorkshire distributor of Atkinsons. Comberhill (Yorkshire) Garages Ltd., Wakefield, has started a vehicle-leasing scheme....
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Last week the Road Haulage Wages Council confirmed the 10s a week increase in basic pay agreed at an earlier meeting and...
• The national committee of the Transport Managers' Club is holding a special meeting to discuss the possibility of extending...
• As carriers' licensing will continue for vehicles in excess of 16 tons plated weight (or 5 tons unladen) after operators'...
• There may be comparatively few cases in which a helicopter can be used effectively to track down a stolen vehicle. The mere...
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PRESIDENT: LORD CHESHAM • There will be eight classes in the 1970 Lorry Driver of the Year competition, This was decided at...
From a special correspondent • The most contentious and hotly discussed subject at the International Road Transport Union's...
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• Concern regarding inefficient packing of containers going overseas, and consequent serious damage to the contents, was...
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truth by LA, CLAIMS COUNSEL • "It will be necessary for me to make a long and sustained attack on the LA for the Northern...
anti-skid devices are too expensive for widespread adoption, is backing a new anti-jackknife device designed by a Bristol...
• A growing awareness of the conflict.between transport and amenity meant that operators must beware that the balance did not...
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• The Scottish LA, M. A. B. Birnie, attempted to meet the needs of the island of Islay at a sitting in Glasgow on Thursday of...
• An application for a service which will run to Pakistan or India was granted in Leeds last week. The Yorkshire LA. Maj.-Gen....
• Progress towards the Government's target of completing 1.000 miles of motorway by the early 1970s, was a feature of the...
• Lucas executives said on Tuesday they were confident that legislation to enforce the use of tachographs would be introduced...
book by Mr. G. Ponsonby; he believes Traffic Commissioners should stop supporting this course. Ile also advocates the splitting...
• Merely because an operator has a local stage carriage service there is no justification in saying he has the right to an...
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• Seven Scottish operators appeared at Glasgow on Tuesday before Mr. A. B. Birnie, Scottish LA, to show cause why their...
• Applications by D. W. Hill (Transport) Ltd. and Castor Haulage Ltd. before the Eastern deputy LA, Mr. Gerald Kidner, took all...
, ( kuthoritative reviews of the technical and operational trends revealed by exhibits at the Scottish Motor Show will be...
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• SELNEC (Greater Manchester) PTA /E began operation as a transport undertaking last Saturday, November 1. Eleven undertakings...
• Following its policy of maintaining a modern fleet of buses and coaches, F. G. Wilder and Son Ltd. of Fern Grove. Feltham,...
• Following an intensive test programme, Seamarks Bros. Ltd., of Luton, has placed an order for five Mercedes-Benz 0.302 11...
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WAY BACK IN '65 WHEN A VAN WAS A CAR 1965. The van is little better than a glorified car. Manufacturers suited themselves,...
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• The Government was last week urged to give the go-ahead to local authorities wishing to introduce concessionary bus fares for...
• Members of Leicester City Council were told by the chairman of the transport committee on October 28 that there had been a...
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• Articulated vehicle roll-over has been the subject of extensive research in recent months by the Road Research Laboratory. As...
• An offset-cone end having a new type of woven Terylene aeration membrane is a feature of the Kwikchange discharge system of...
its plated gross rating from 16 to 22 tons, and puts the maximum payload capacity up to about 16 tons 5cwt. York Trailer Co....
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by Ron Cater • How wonderful it would be for hauliers and own-account operators budgeting their maintenance figures for the...
• In conjunction with Commercial Motor, Business and Industrial Training Ltd. is organizing a series of management seminars on...
• Kienzle tachographs are to be marketed in the UK by a new company, Lucas Kienzle Instruments Ltd., set up jointly by Joseph...
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• Fifty years of the Institute of Transport were celebrated in London on Monday at an anniversary luncheon at which the new...
• Having experienced serious delays in obtaining inexpensive, longitudinally ribbed panelling from manufacturers and stockists,...
• The activities of the Post Office are to be excluded from the scope of the Road Transport Industry Training Board, if...
• BMC have asked us to point out that since their advertisement in this issue went to. press the following new prices have come...
The December 12 issue of Commercial Motor will contain a free booklet listing 24-hour and emergency service facilities for...
• Fodens Ltd. plans to set up an assembly facility at Venlo in Holland to produce dump trucks and crane chassis for sale in...
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Loads and forces (25) • With mechanical handling and palletization going hand on hand, thoughts have naturally turned to...
• Facts about the effect of vehicle vibration on drivers, showing how this can lead to internal disorders and loss in...
UNLESS adequate protection is provided by the body, the rear wheels of every trailer, or in the case of a two-wheeled trailer...
• The port transport operations of the Hay's Wharf company at Tooley Street. in the London Dock area, will be discontinued from...
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by A. J. P. Wilding MIMechE, MIRTE With the prospect of UK gross weights eventually going up to 44 tons, manufacturers at this...
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The 47th Scottish Motor Exhibition at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, will be opened today by Lord Elgin at 11 a.m. It is open from today...
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by Ashley Taylor, AMIRTE,AssoclostT NOWADAYS one hardly ever sees passengers on the backs of bicycles but 30 or 40 years ago...
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A LITTLE-KNOWN aspect of the GPO is its postal and p.s.v. minibus service, but its impact can be considerable on out-ofthe way...
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a year by Ashley Taylor, AMIRTE Assoc Inst T Computers control Tartan Arrow Glasgow-London overnight transit Special...
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"IT IS ESSENTIAL that local bus services are run by local management—it is not a good policy to control a business from over...
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continued from page 98 any type of repair. The company produces tarpaulins for its own use and for sale. Last year it acquired...
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REPORT BY JOHN DARKER, AMBIM AND DAVID SPAIN SIR REGINALD WILSON'S stimulating address on "The Current Transport Theme"...
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NOW that the operating results of a particular 10-ton vehicle have been seen, it must be appreciated that one month's figures...