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Agreed Valuations Overridden, Basis of Compensation Changed and HauliersDeprived of Dues A N indictment of the Ro a d...
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A FEW days before the openings of the Motor Show at Earls Court and the Radio Exhibition at Olympia, strikes were staged by...
What We Pay for the Deteriorating Roads B RITISH roads have a total length of 183,477 miles, and they represent a national...
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That the Pyrene tender looks tough. That strikes and "go slow" have stopped up much that should be stepped up. , That after...
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VlTAL principles were raised before the Northern Licensing Authority, at Stockton-on-Tees, on Tuesday, when Hay's Wharf...
amalgamation of the Metropolitan and South Eastern Areas of the Road Haulage Association was financial, it was hoped that...
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' UDDERSFIELD'S municipal bus crews went on strike last Sunday in protest against new time-tables that were due to come into...
THAT it is illegal to park a mobile I canteen on a grass verge was made clear at Connahs Quay, last week, when an operator was...
T HE management committee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders will not until the middle of this month make a...
MOTHING definite has yet been fixed Nregarding the dates and venues of the 1950 conferences of the Public Transport Association...
T HE number of vehicles registered -for operation under C licences during August, 1949, was 8,903. Of this total the number of...
trolleybuses for the first time. The first of 25 8-ft.-wide 70-seaters will probably be introduced early next month and...
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. MR. E. E. BEtawata. has been apointed sales manager of J. Payen, L' l. MR. OLIVER HALL, MR. HENRYGRINDALL and MR, HARRY...
WHILST registrations of new cornVV mercial vehicles declined in June, the figures for July show increases under all headings....
F URTHER investigationinto the claims of the trolleybus as a means for conserving dollars and reducing the dependence of road...
Co., Huddersfield, was mentioned when the company opposed an application to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority by the...
A GAZETTEER has been published 1 - 1 , by the Road Haulage Executive giving an alphabetical list of undertakings acquired up to...
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THIS week Newcastle-on-Tyne City Council received a report explaining the reasons why the transport and parliamentary...
C AIADA offers exceptionally good opportunities to the British commercial motor industry for earning dollars through...
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T HE French M.A.P. two-stroke oil engine, which has many unconventional design features, is to be produced in this country....
G REEN LINE passengers travelling from London are now allowed to return, if they desire, by a different route, The change has...
T HE latest programme of Girling, Ltd., of Birmingham, revealed in a newly published brochure, continues the existing range of...
A S a temporary measure during the spreading of the industrial electricity load this winter, the British Transport Commission...
S UBJECT to the passing of the necessary resolution at the annual general meeting,. to be held early in December, the Austin...
T "annual dinner-dance of the Institute of Traffic Administration, Merseyside Centre, will be held on October 15 at Reece's...
I F. a coach be equipped with a buffet, does this make it a goods vehicle for the purposes of taxation? Club Coaches, Ltd.,...
1 1 road haulage interests of Bristol Industries, Ltd., have become more protracted than was expected, but, according to the...
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A T the 36th dinner of the Society of , Motor Manufacturers and Traders, in London, last week, the president (for the second...
S TATISTICAL information concerning the motor industry that should be in the hands of everyone concerned with sales and other...
A NEW 3-cwt. tricycle delivery vehicle has been produced by W. R. Pashley, Ltd., Chester Street. Aston, Birmingham, 6. Fitted...
PA. A RECOMMENDATION that the present id. children's raised to Id. is contained in a report of Nottingham Transport...
lights on vehicles stationary during the hours of darkness have revealed -that many drivers are under the impression that it is...
PA A NEW company has been formed by the Standard Motor Co., Ltd., in India to assemble and manufacture the company's products....
A CCOR DING to the "Luton News," rt the new co-ordinated passenger transport scheme in. the town is progressing well. Both the...
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Become :IONFISCATION Says A. E. SHERLOCK-MESHER, F.R.S.A. A LTHOUGH LTHOUGH I believe that many hauliers who have been...
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rHARACTERIZED by extreme sim4, --oplicity of construction and low cost, the range of Wrigley works trucks now available should...
Development r\ UITE a lot is heard these days of stock piling" of vital raw materials in the U.S., and one of these...
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Employing 12,000 Drivers, British Railways Ensures that a High Standard of Proficiency is Achieved by a Well-conceived Training...
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F ITTED with a V.H.F. radio transmitter receiver manufactured by the General Electric Co., Ltd., Kingsway, London, W.C.2, a...
T HE annual general meeting of the automobile division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers will be held on October 11,...
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Produce. ineruty Labour • Vacillation, and Indecision by Executives of State Undertakings are Causing Labour to Slacken. Trade...
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OF THE LOW-ROOF DOUBLE-DECKER? New Design of Bristol Chassis for Special SS-Seater Body with Central Gangway on Both Decks,...
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By JAN US R OAD haulage liaison may be said to become a reality with the divisional committee meetings beginning this month....
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A READER of this journal who, apparently, has had no previous experience of operating commercial vehicles, recently sought my...
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L ATELY in your journal you have published several articles referring to the losses sustained by national-, ized transport...
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Car QOME details of the part played by the Austin 1 0 hire car in the export drive have recently come to light. Numbers of this...
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while appeal is pending B.T.C. Companies Appeal Against Decision to Grant Haulier Licence. Notice of Acquisition Now Pending...
A N example of enterprise in the coachin g business is afforded by James Smith and Co. (Wigan), Ltd., which in three year's has...
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deals with torsion bars for vehicle suspension, and discloses a bar having variable flexibility, a feature hitherto difficult...