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Production—views Of The Industry And Government
A T the 36th dinner of the Society of , Motor Manufacturers and Traders, in London, last week, the president (for the second year), Mr. F. 1. Connolly, said, that the Society......
British Motor Industry In Figures
S TATISTICAL information concerning the motor industry that should be in the hands of everyone concerned with sales and other aspects of production is to be found in "The Motor......
New Tricycle Van
A NEW 3-cwt. tricycle delivery vehicle has been produced by W. R. Pashley, Ltd., Chester Street. Aston, Birmingham, 6. Fitted with a Villiers 197 c.c. singlecylindered......
Nottingham Fares Increase?
PA. A RECOMMENDATION that the present id. children's raised to Id. is contained in a report of Nottingham Transport Committee to be presented to the city council. If......
A Lighting Misapprehension P Roceedings Against Drivers...
lights on vehicles stationary during the hours of darkness have revealed -that many drivers are under the impression that it is legal to leave a vehicle on a road at night with......
Standard Sets Up In India
PA A NEW company has been formed by the Standard Motor Co., Ltd., in India to assemble and manufacture the company's products. The new concern will be known as The Standard......
Luton Scheme Doing Well
A CCOR DING to the "Luton News," rt the new co-ordinated passenger transport scheme in. the town is progressing well. Both the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., and Luton......