7th October 1949, Page 30
7th October 1949
Page 30

Page 30, 7th October 1949
R.h.e. Hits Below The Belt
Agreed Valuations Overridden, Basis of Compensation Changed and HauliersDeprived of Ju.st Dues A N indictment of the Ro a d Haulage Executive appears in this issue. After......
Trying To Kill The Goose
A FEW days before the openings of the Motor Show at Earls Court and the Radio Exhibition at Olympia, strikes were staged by certain disgruntled employees of contractors who were......
Passing Comments
What We Pay for the Deteriorating Roads B RITISH roads have a total length of 183,477 miles, and they represent a national asset of some £2,000,000,000. To maintain and improve......