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The Government must act quickly on the British Leyland situation. Their seemingly endless financial and industrial troubles are...
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tANSPORT Minister William Rodgers has won the agreement the President of the European Council of Transport Ministers Agian Jos...
ILIOTAS of EEC haulage permits for journeys etween member States are to be doubled for 978, the Economic and Social Committee...
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EUROPEAN transport ministers meeting in London last week were out to discover the answers to problems of investment choice, the...
REVITALISATION of the road construction programme at national and local level to boost growth in the North is the principal aim...
UNITED Road Transpc Union officials in Manches . have lodged a 22 per cent p claim, plus fringe benefits, I negotiation before...
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nk Griffin told CM: "We be none too popular with us Healey over this, but we -e got one or two meetings h the employers set up...
LEYLAND Truck and Bus workers, who were on strike over their annual pay claim, returned to work, this week, after they reached...
DAF Trucks has broken its sales records for the year already. It has recorded 1,000 registrations so far, against 973 for the...
THE 4.8 km (3 mile) Little Eaton to Holbrook £41/2million by-pass in Derbyshire opened on Monday — 10 months ahead of...
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RITAIN could be forced into breaking another EEC regulation If the "charade" over the hours Iles meant that the wrong decision...
)OVER Harbour Board has Lnnounced that ferry sailings luring the first eight months if 1977 showed an increase of fore than 18...
SHORT HAULS Benelux-bound BEACON Freightline c Swanley, Kent, is the name ( a new company — formed h three major freight...
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Managing ARTRANSPORTanaging . [rector Derek Beaumont has !signed on the eve of talks etween the company and the ransport and...
RETREAD tyres for COME cial vehicles — marketed Mid Wales under the na Ondura — have been cl demned as lethal. Powys County...
MORE THAN 100 operat( from all over Yorkshire tended a "drive-in" to ma the appointment of a m Scania distributor for t region...
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RAFT regulations have been circulated by the Department of Transport to implement the ternational Carriage of Perishable...
SHORT HAULS Web foothold SANDEM Web Slings Co Lt of Compstall, near Stockpor has been appointed sole distr butor in Lancs and...
TRANDEX International Li of London, shipping ar forwarding agent to the Mii die East, is to expand its We African operations....
A NEW DEPOT at Poyle Row Colnbrook, near Slougl Bucks, has been opened t international freight forwa der Thomas Meadows & C...
EDBRO (Holdings) Ltd is • acquire Longton Machine] Supplies Ltd, a small priva company making automat baling presses for...
HAULIERS involved in the annual sugar beet campaign have found vehicles standing idle because of the late start to the haulage...
Scania owners brought their glides and offered drives to ther operators. The Mayor of Wakefield, ouncillor Harry Clafton, was...
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Psv maintenance standards low SV maintenance standards -e low and show no sign of nprovement. This was the conclusion of Lost...
COACHES and buses fitte with electro-magnetic retai ders will not need to hay special fusing arrangement for the retarder...
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HE MAN Road Show, a four-vehicle demonstration team covering over 7,000 miles the UK and Eire, provided CM with the first...
HE DORMAN 8F 9.1 litre 150cuin) V8 naturally aspiratI diesel engine is currently eing assessed by ERF for use its next...
THE FIRST Mercedes-Benz machines in the UK to be fitted wi super singles have been specified by Thomas Graves (Disposal) Ltd of...
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:HESHIRE ;HOWS OFF WO NEW vehicles from heshire Fire Engineering Ltd I Winsford, Cheshire, were n show at last week's FireTh...
A COMPREHENSIVE range of transport and garage equipment has been on display, this week, in the first Garagequip exhibition,...
A LARGER and more powerful engine is now available for the one-ton Mazda pick-up. With a bore and stroke of 80 x 88mm (3.15 x...
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HE DECISION by Southern RS to launch its Clearreight haulage brokerage ervice to provide clearance f those vexing small lots of...
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yesterday completed the tandard form issued by the icensing Authority for ■ dmission to the Occupation nder Grandfather...
opanea, bap Rag Referring to our correspondent Berresford Tpt, CM, I recommend using reconditioned secondhand chassis parts,...
cad it a thaw? Regarding E. E. Campbell's comments concerning London tram seating (Speak up for Trams, CM September 16), I am...
Olio? I refer to your article in CM July 29 entitled, - Tyre tread appeal dismissed." I understand that Mr Machin, QC, for...
cava&adt1 ewL Ueek Being a director of Spartruk Limited and, consequently, in the transport industry myself, I hope I can be...
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kol•AeN1 likes I. rough i t... in brief THE MAN eight-wheeler: was introduced at Earls Court in 1974 in the middle of an...
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RITISH INDUSTRY as a whole eeds to be made more aware I the important role played by eight transport. For without it, )e nation...
WHEN Sir David Orr, chairman of Unilever, presented his paper on the "Dependence of • industrial society upon transport and...
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HUGH FEATHERSTONE, the Association's director-general, discussed its future role and how the ETA could develop. In the...
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negoti e people LEONARD PAYNE, director of distribution division J. Sainsbury Ltd, used shock tactics when he introduced his...
THE FINAL paper of t conference was presented Jack Jones, general secre ry, Transport and Gene Workers Union, who imn diately...
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I RST the wheel was inventd, next came the wagon, and nly in the early 1940s, and ' umks to American ingenuy, the pallet....
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EHICLES often get blamed w problems towards which ley contribute absolutely )thing. I met up, a few months ago, ith an old...
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DECISIONS... ET US go over some of the ratters that will concern you uring your course of study, nd, indeed, for the rest of...
• quotation marks to remind us that the term we are thinking about is not a thing but an abstraction, for example, 'democracy,...
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ONTRARY to what a beginner ight at first suppose, the inlet d exhaust valves of the ternal combustion engine do t open and...
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WORK FOR YOU? n this, the last of three articles Ken Pattison talks of the social ;kills that Management by Objectives demands...
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or, what strange hours some people keep! IT IS as well that most students wishing to acquire the Certificate of Professional...