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Lord Hatisharn's Aperitif AR OUND the time, last year, that the Commercial Motor Show opened at Earls Court, Sir William...
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p ERCHED high on a stack of timber unloaded at covered wharf of Rotherhithe Wharves, Ltd., an inten man manipulated lengths...
What is Deadweight ? D URING the recent debate on the Transport Bill in the House of Commons Sir Edward Boyle, financial...
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FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT T HE Ministry of Transport wants to have early talks with employers and unions about...
O PERATORS are reminded that a motor vehicle first registered on or before December 31, 1954, may not be used on roads after...
A T a meeting in London on Monday. the Vehicles Security Committee of the Road Haulage Association elected Mr. J. T. Brown as...
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Lorry Driver Title? T HE Executive Committee of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition is to meet in Coventry on January 16...
T HE transport problems of the countryside, particularly the threat to uneconomic railway lines, are to be raised in Parliament...
T HE increase of 74 per cent. in haulage rates recommended by the Road Haulage Association was the minimum required to cover...
TH E Government was urged in e th Lords on Tuesday to discuss with the R.H.A. its proposed increase in haulage rates—and was...
I N accordance with his expressed wish to ease his day-to day business commitments, Mr. R. H. Seddon has resigned as chairman...
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Ltd. head office in Edinburgh, has joined Syd Abrams, Ltd. as executive service director. Mr. P. M. Meaney has been appointed...
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A N Opposition attempt to put / --1 nationalized road transport under the control of a special Board instead of the new Holding...
WILLIAM BAXTER AND SON, of VV Tranent 'applied to the Scottish Licensing Authority in Edinburgh on Monday for a B licence for...
A TAMWORTH haulage firm. Bearer .Transport, Ltd., of Dost Hill, were fined a total of £136 on 105 summonses at Birmingham...
all parts of England were having to face gut-throat competition" from other hauliers who were reducing their rates to gain more...
B ECAUSE of their previous conduct a Middlesbrough haulage firm were refused three applications to vary existing carriers'...
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E new four-speed all-synchromesh gearbox introduced with the latest Vauxhall Victor private cars is available from today as an...
P ERMISSION has been granted to Leyland Motors, Ltd., by the Lancashire County Council to use private roads and runways on the...
nENNIS BROS., LTD., announce that it has been decided to discontinue production of Loline chassis. All existing orders will be...
A DUAL-PURPOSE articulated vehicle for carrying either all types of packed solid materials or hot liquids in bulk (the subject...
A N 11-ft. wheelbase version of the Leyland Hippo Power-Plus tipper chassis has been announced by Leyland Motors, Ltd. It is...
I NCREASES have been announced by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., in the prices of Thames 5and 7-cwt. vans. Basic prices of both have...
It AR. LEONARD HOLDSWORTH has IVI won this year's special prize awarded annually by the British Electric Traction Co., Ltd., to...
sales director of the Smith's delivery vehicle group. She will continue to he responsible for the overall sales and marketing...
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7OLLOWING the failure of a steering inner column on an L.T.E. Routeaster in service on route 69 recently, it Ls been decided...
• for Newark was taken a step further st week when Newark Town Council naroved the sale ot part of the site, 3tterdike, in...
JEGOTIATIONS have been completed 'f or the acquisition of Scout Motor Ltd,, Preston,. operators of 49 mes and coaches, by...
THREE new Divisional Traffic Superintendent posts have been created by the North Western Road Car Co. From last Friday the...
P ERMISSION to increase fares on a number of express services is being sought from the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners by the...
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FROM OUR INDUST IAL CORRESPONDENT Tlit RE were more signs last week that ondon's busmen, now in the midst of a major pay...
£iin. WORTH: Orders for over £250,000worth of goods chassis and trailers have been „placed with the Leyland Group by operators...
THE main features of the Ro! Smithfield Show held at Earls Cor this week were naturally livestock a purely farming machinery....
TRADERS Road Transport Associatic 1 has written to 1,288 highway ar traffic authorities in Britain to find wh provision is...
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jkliEETING in Brussels last week under IVI the chairmanship of the Federal German Minister of Transport, Dr. Christoph Seebohm,...
Tyne . Corporation in a report to the City Council has said that the main roads connecting Newcastle with Glasgow, Manchester.,...
£1,701,297 was achieved by J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., in the year ended" September 30 last. The figure for the previous year...
INTERNATIONAL standardization of I vehicle lighting regulations, road accident procedure and various road traffic laws was...
From our Political Correspondent A LTHOUGH Mr. MarpIes hinted that I ‘ swift action on Channel-crossing talks would follow his...
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G IVING the furniture manufacturing firm of Harris Lebus, Ltd., an absolute discharge on payment of 24s, costs on six summonses...
A T a sitting last week of the Scotfish Licensing Authority in Edinburgh, John Russell (Grangemouth), Ltd., of Camelon were...
IN a written decision the West Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. John Else, has granted an A licence for 1 1 vehicles to...
W ITH the completion of the Westland SRN2 at the Saunders-Roe works at Cowes, Britain now has a hovercraft which is very much...
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A ,IDNE-MAN operator of a Northum berland haulage business successfully appealed to the Transport Tribunal in London last week...
A N application by Mr. Francis Albert Fountain, trading as Grosvenor Transport Co., Islington, to enable him to carry workshop...
7THE old-established Kent and Sussex I carriers, Durtnalls, Ltd., will cease to trade in that name Brighton and Worthing as a...
appeal, counsel for the appellants was inadvertently given as Mr. J. G. S. Robley. Q.C. This should have read: " Mr. J. G. S....
THE Transport Tribunal ruled in I London last Friday that the Metropolitan Area Licensing Authority was wrong in granting...
A N operator who, after learning that his vehicles were being operated illegally, stopped the illegal operations, lost the...
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T HE" patchwork quilt" of traffic patterns and control in Greater London will be brought to an end if the Government's plans...
S OMERSET Education Committee proposes to run its own school buses next year because of the increasing difficulties and cost of...
'THE public hearing of an application I by Security Express, Ltd., which was to be held in Glasgow last week, was cancelled...
THE proposal of the Government's' I Departmental Committee on Road Safety to raise the speed limit for goods vehicles without...
'TWO HUNDRED AND NINETEEN I Rochdale Corporation drivers and conductors have received their awards won in the 1960 competition...
T HE Sussex Area of Traders Road Transport Association is holding a general meeting for 'members at the Bodega Restaurant, Ship...
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The Success of W. Gash and Sons, Ltd., P.S.V. Operators, of Newark, Epitomises the Development of Rural Bus Operation Under...
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220and Engines with Laystall Cromard Thin-wall Liners Now Available on Goods Chassis S forecast in The Commercial...
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nd Faith in the Future of the Four-stroke 1 is Reflected in a Policy of Steady lopment which has Brought Impressive in Power,...
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NEW REGISTRATIONS—SEPTEMBER, 1961. A S expected, registrations of new com mercial vehicles in September made a slight...
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A VISIT to the Transport Tribunal is always a worth-while experience, for it is here that the country's leading experts hi...
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TH: preparation of cases and the resentation of figures are all important in applications before Licensing Authorities. It is...
What Are Reasonable Steps? TEST eases appear to be the order 1 of the day. Within the past few weeks, two such cases were...
THE second test case" is of 1 importance to persons who own vehicles fitted with roof racks upon which they carry other...
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by JANUS C OMMENTING on the recommendation by the Road Haulage Association of a 74 per cent. increase in rates, one of the...
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D EMONSTRATIONS were given in London recently of a vehicle lift developed by Spencer Motor Services. (Todmorden), Ltd.,...
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upon us, Driving a great deal, as I do, both in Britain and in West Germany, I have been impressed by one very important...
Y OUR statement (The Commercial Motor, December. 1) that hauliers have sought increases of 171 per cent. in a year could be...
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Efficient Maintenance is a Major Factor in Operation of Commercial Vehicles, Although Factual Information is not the Sole...
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In. A STEERING box employing a ballbearing thread is shown in patent No. 875,506. The basis of the patent is the way in which...