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Toutemaster Steerings To Be Changed
7OLLOWING the failure of a steering inner column on an L.T.E. Routeaster in service on route 69 recently, it Ls been decided to change the complete !ering-column assemblies of......
Bus Station Plan Opposed R'he Plan To Erect A New Bus...
• for Newark was taken a step further st week when Newark Town Council naroved the sale ot part of the site, 3tterdike, in Lombard Street, to the incolnshire Road Car. Co., Ltd.......
Ribble Acquire Scout
JEGOTIATIONS have been completed 'f or the acquisition of Scout Motor Ltd,, Preston,. operators of 49 mes and coaches, by Ribble Motor .t.rVices, Ltd. Scout Motor Services will......
Divisional Split-up
THREE new Divisional Traffic Superintendent posts have been created by the North Western Road Car Co. From last Friday the company's main traffic area was split into three......
Fares Rise Sought
P ERMISSION to increase fares on a number of express services is being sought from the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners by the West Yorkshire Road Car Co - ., Ltd., the Yorkshire......