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B.r.s. " Fragmentation " Defeated
A N Opposition attempt to put / --1 nationalized road transport under the control of a special Board instead of the new Holding Company was defeated when the Transport Bill was......
Grant "in Prtnciple "
WILLIAM BAXTER AND SON, of VV Tranent 'applied to the Scottish Licensing Authority in Edinburgh on Monday for a B licence for eight vehicles for "Coal, mining plant and......
Hauliers Fined £136
A TAMWORTH haulage firm. Bearer .Transport, Ltd., of Dost Hill, were fined a total of £136 on 105 summonses at Birmingham Magistrates' Court last week. Sixty-two of the......
Steel . Hauliers Protest T Ees-s1de Haulage Contractors...
all parts of England were having to face gut-throat competition" from other hauliers who were reducing their rates to gain more work, it was alleged before the Northern......
Previous Offe Nee Revealed
B ECAUSE of their previous conduct a Middlesbrough haulage firm were refused three applications to vary existing carriers' licences by the Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J.......