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. . . to truck harmony. Ten years to be precise. And no-one can afford to wait that long. Transport Secretary Paul Charmon has...
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• Fast-growing waste disposal firm Leigh Interests recorded a 46% increase in pre-tax profits in the year to the end of March....
• This autumn Customs and border patrols are due to be withdrawn along part of the frontier between Spain and France.
will be put forward in Labour's radical review of transport. Other issues due to be discussed are company charges for public...
develop armoured vehicles to take the Army into the 21st century. About 150 firms, including Land Rover and Leyland, are...
• The Austrian federal government has banned HGVs from the Brenner pass between 22:00 and 05:00hrs from 1 December following a...
• The Skidmaster Ford Transit van debuted at Donington Park's Response '89 show on 6-8 June. The Ford Credit-sponsored vehicle...
• The Government is claiming a victory by further delaying the arrival of 40-tonne trucks in the UK until 1 January 1999....
• Registrations of commercial vehicles in May reached 32,393, up 11.31% on the same month last year, according to the latest...
• Freight movements to the Continent through the Channel Tunnel will be little more than half of planned volumes, predicts a...
• Daf shares soared by more than £4 per share when trading on the Amsterdam and London Stock markets opened on Monday. The...
• l'&0 is to buy the Dutchbased transport and warehousing Langen Group, which is based in Geleen and has subsidiaries in...
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• A 100-page report into the future of the Iveco Ford plant at Langley, commissioned by two local borough councils, warns that...
• Four board directors and three regional directors of the former NFC subsidiary Fleetcare were so determined to make a profit...
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• More than 4,000 demonstrators marched between the Department of Transport's headquarters at Marsham Street and Hyde Park last...
• German Heinz Dehnhardt maintained Mercedes' stranglehold on this year's European truck racing season when he won the...
• David Collett, transport director of Peterborough Quarries, won first prize in the recent Commercial Motor! Bridgestone Tyres...
• Labour Euro MPs want the EC to deal with speeding lorries by making them show three bright lights if they are driven above...
• An Italian week-end and public holiday ban on HGVs im posed after pressure from a consumer association, has been relaxed...
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• Cave Wood has spent over £70,000 on a Dutch top-spec trailer and crane combination. The CTE 182 Broshuis trailer is fitted...
• Gatwick Handling has taken delivery of five electricallypowered Iveco Ford Cargos for its airside baggage and handling...
offered as an option with the Trulock system on Dayton Walther cast-steel fifthwheel couplings. Sales manager Roger Darling...
The Market Harboroughbased company says that the tri-axle Tecair with life axles (but no wheels) weighs just 2,065kg. The...
• Swedish company Burea Verkstads has developed this unusual truck body for fast discharging of loads of wood chips. A complex...
• Fiat and Austin Rover's parent British Aerospace are talking about a collaboration deal for a replacement for the Uno and...
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• Derbyshire-based iron producer Stanton has contractedout its transport operation. Contracts have been awarded to six local...
• DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company has launched a legal expenses insurance policy for hauliers and PSV operators covering...
• Iveco increased its sales by 10% in 1988 to 129,300 units. In the UK, sales were up by 21% to 16,637 but in Germany they fell...
• Christian Salvesen has won a five-year management contract to operate Safeway's Scottish retail distribution centre. The...
• Onward Transport's South Kirkby depot has won a national distribution contract with Anglo Brokers, which specialises in...
• Dundee Leyland main dealer Bett Trucks is up for sale. Its parent, Brett Brothers, which specialises in the property market,...
• Wyndham Group has • snapped up Bridgend dealer T S Grimshaw for 21.25 million only two weeks after opening the biggest Fiat...
• Japanese air brake manufacturer Sanwa Seiki is to sell Wabco's categoryone CV ABS in Japan.
• Southworth Chassis Engineering says its conversions business has grown by 47% in the past 12 months to some 800 vehicles.
• Thompson Jewitt has launched a twice-weekly groupage service between Dublin and the UK, in association with its sister...
million on more than 3,000 highspecification trailers this year for use throughout its 77 European depots, including 22 in the UK.
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• Plaxton is paying nearly £48 million for the Henly's Vehicle Group, which comprises seven CV and 27 car dealerships and two...
• United Carriers plans to link up with a major French parcels firm to expand its express delivery network in France. The...
• Federal Express (UK) is to expand its international division, with new international stations at Gatwick and Enfield and a...
with Guinness Take Home to deliver more than a million cases a year to off-licences and supermarkets throughout the UK. The...
• Wincanton Vehicle Rentals is offering a scheme for operators which allows them to hire any number of trucks at preferential...
contract from Tellers of Northampton to supply 32 Mercedes 709D refrigerated vehicles which will deliver Tellers pies and...
• TIP Trailer Rental is raising 240 million to pay for Continental expansion plans over the coming year. The company, which is...
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• Scandinavian tipper operators have developed a radical answer to the problem of operating on sites where access is limited —...
• Cornish haulier and plant hire contractor Stocks and Sons has turned to ERF for its Latest tipper, after more than 30 years...
• Scania launched a front-axle air suspension at the major Swedish transport show 'Lastbil 89' last week (CM 1-7 June) which is...
• Ferrymasters' quest for a high-cube trailer with easy loading for international operations took the company to York, which...
• An air-operated trailerlanding-leg system has been launched by Busby Holdings of Pembroke Dock, Wales. The Buzzlift Landling...
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• The Office of Fair Trading has nearly completed its investigation into Midland Fox, following allegations by independent...
• A second Hampstead Hoppa bus service starts up this week on the Hampstead Garden Suburb local service (route H2). It will...
• Municipal operator Leicester City Bus is edging towards an employee buy-out following approval for the idea by majority...
• Plaxton and Optare are moving in to divide the spoils at Metro Cammell Weymann. Plaxton, which has been interested in MCW for...
• Yorkshire Rider has won the contract to run the trolleybus service due to start in Bradford in June 1991. West Yorkshire...
• Merthyr Tydfil Transport has been sold by its local borough council to three coach operators. Cyril Evans Coaches of...
III Engineers at London Buses' Hanwell garage walked out last week in support of a colleague suspended for disciplinary...
• An assault on a GoAhead Northern bus driver has prompted Transport & General Workers Union regional secretary Joe Mills to...
• Greater Manchester Buses subsidiary Charterplan has added a Leyland Tiger 260 with Plaxton Paramount 3500 four-star body to...
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• The National Expressliner coach is now being phased in, with Paramount Leisure of Hanley taking delivery of four new coaches...
• The first two welfare bus versions of the Reeve Burgess Harrier body have been delivered this week to Derbyshire Social...
• West Midlands Travel staff have made a formal bid to buy the company, following negotiations between union leaders and...
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Ii • The three vehicle licence held by C R Gibbs & Sons (Sheffield) has been revoked, and the company disqualified from...
by a driver on 16 occasions led to Newport haulier Godfrey Price appearing at disciplinary proceedings before South Wales...
• Two drivers sacked by GranAA tham Road Ser vices for alleged ly going home after saying they were staying with their...
• Trailer builder Stevecastle of Oundle, near Peterborough, was fined £1,000 with £908 costs at Shrewsbury Crown Court last...
• Drivers' hours and tachograph convictions, and doubts over finance, have led to the PSV 0-licence held by Liverpool-based...
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• A Cardiff industrial tribunal has ruled that complete nonpayment of wages amounted to an illegal deduction of the whole...
ii • In granting Peter Coe, trad ing as Coe-Crete Mini Mix of Sheffield, two additional vehicles, North Eastern Deputy...
IN A Gwent firm, whose licence was suspended last week while its seven vehicles were examined by outside garages and brought up...
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• I should have thought that Jonathan Lawton, of all people, had his ear closer to the ground. The reason that magistrates'...
• Following the article on ourselves and Tibbett and Britten (CM 20 April), 1 would like to correct three misinterpretations....
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• York Trailer Holdings has bought out French trailer manufacturer Titan as "the final brick in the wall of the company's...
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VOLVO IN SHROPSHIRE • Hartshorne (Shrewsbury) on (0743) 236341 has become the 24th truck distributor in Volvo's UK network. The...
INDUSTRY FORUM • Overdrive, Britain's biggest temporary drivers agency, is organising a transport industry forum at the Council...
the Hampshire area of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition, is being held at Goodwood motor circuit, near Chichester, West...
place on the weekend of 17-18 June at Oxhey Park, Watford, Herts. As well as a line-up of vintage fire appliances and sta...
will be held in Geneva from 12-21 January. Any exhibitors should send in their application by 15 June 1989. Forms and...
SWITCHING INTO FAXES • Switched mode has introduced an audio-adaptor, which enables users of Philips mobile telephones to...
mobile system, the 900 CM ETACS. The extended total access communications system Oyes a cellular service in rural, small or...
Ala° SAFETY CODE • Akzo, manufacturer of Sikkens paints, has published a booklet on health and safety while using Sikken...
new catalogue which includes a section devoted to signs and labels used for transporting hazardous goods. For a catalogue phone...
FLUID POWER TRADE GROUP III A new trade association for distributors of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment has been formally...
VAN SALES • Central Motor Auctions is introducing a "Top Van" sale to be held each Monday throughout the year, starting at...
LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT • A professional qualification designating competence in logistics management is being launched by the...
LUCAS ABANDONS ASBESTOS • The entire UK aftermarket range of Lucas Girling disc brake pads is scheduled to become asbestos-free...
added a mobile pallet weigher to its Ravas range. It says that using this weigher, which costs under £3,000 for the standard...
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• A cleaning detergent for use with pressure washers and formulated to remove traffic film is now available from Presutek...
THAMES DELAYS • Drivers are being advised to allow extra time for journeys to the Channel ports or Gatwick as work starts on a...
• The Department of Transport is looking for comments on three alternative routes for the proposed A259 by-pass of St Mary's...
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a month, so if you have any questions, please write to: Commercial Motor Any Questions, Quadrant, Sutton, Surrey SM3. 5.4S....
WEIGHTY PROBLEM Q We have 325 trailers which are pulled with sub-contractors, but for MoT purposes and transporting trailers...
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capability, the Land-Rover 110 pickup promises much — but, to some extent fails to deliver. On the rough, however, this marque...
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the House of Commons was enlivened by some interesting comments by Transport Minister Michael Portillo. Rejecting calls from...
the microcranial vandals who broke into the premises of a Nottinghambased haulage company and smeared 100 litres of industrial...
role in Jonathan Livingstone Seagull — The Movie, the Hawk was a trifle startled to be confronted by stuntmen jumping off the...
soon be faced with an interesting problem; how do you classify an incident in which a little girl was run down by a giant...
holiday for two to the United States, courtesy of BP Truckstops. He won the holiday in a competition organised by BP to...
the Democrats are already making plans for their next campaign, and one early casualty is the infamous `battlebus'. Apparently...
him an a tour of Australia? That's the question posed by Texaco as part of a new competition that customers visiting Texaco...
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THE HELM In their heart of hearts most employees probably reckon that they could run the business better than their bosses....
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IE SIAN COLD Wiseman Dairies is one of Scotland's top milk distributors. Its all-refrigerated fleet and striking Friesian...
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EMI) 111; When chemical giant ICI decided to contract out its transport operation, its Haverton Hill management was happy to...
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"ESOP" — Employee Share Ownership Plan — is becoming a buzzword in the deregulated PSV sector. An ESOP was formed to buy...
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Lynchy, who has been managing director since 1986 and joined the company 10 years ago, takes over his new role from Basil Day...
John Clement, currently service director, is to undertake special assignments until his anticipated retirement next year. Ian...
of AWL) Trucks. Based at the Dunstable headquarters, he is responsible for marketing, sales promotion and advertising. He...
regional municipal sales manager of Renault Truck Industries, dealing with London and the Home Counties. Before joining Renault...
the following officers for its Devon & Cornwall division for 1989. Keith Astbury, southern engineering manager of Dairy...
as manager, light commercial vehicle operations, for Peugeot Talbot in the UK. Watts joined the company as fleet sales zone...
Power Association is Michael Meacham, the cylinder division manager Europe of Parker Hannifin. He has worked in the hydraulics...
technical department of Norfolk Line BV in Scheveningen, Holland, has been promoted to corporate operations manager. He is...
from port manager at Zeebrugge to managing director of P&O European Ferries (Portsmouth).
as managing director of Nissan later this month at its UK operation in Washington, Tyne & Wear. He joined the company in 1984...
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• The over-50s should be brought back into industry to help offset the shortage of young workers, says a Commons Select...
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money in getting its image right. A haulage company's image rests largely with the appearance of its vehicles on the road: a...
I Entry is free. 2 Send four 35mrn colour transparencies (slides) of your vehicle, together with a completed entry form, to:...
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4.. AN INDUSTRIAL TRIBUNAL award" ing a driver £2,466 compensation for unfair selection for redundancy, said no proper...
• ALTHOUGH local residents making environmental representations against an application for a new licence by P K Industrial...
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,j,„ THE PROPRIETOR of a commercial " garage told an LA that his records showed an owner-driver had missed only one inspection;...
• A DISCHARGED BANKRUPT who appealed unsuccessfully to the Transport Tribunal against the decision of the South Eastern...
obtained registration against the requirements of ISO 9000, mostly, Part 2 of the Standard and growing... held by manufacturing...
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4,, IF SERIOUS transgressions of the law PR are not going to be investigated, let alone prosecuted with the full rigour of the...
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• DISMISSING the appeal of Narwood Ltd against the revocation of its licence in the Metropolitan Area, the Transport Tribunal,...
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by Jonathan Lawton ROLE OF THE RHA Haulage must project better image to public ,,A, NOW that the Road Haulage Associa tion...
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• IN ADJOURNING disciplinary proceedings involving Richard L Spooner, trading as R L Spooner Wholesale, of Derrington, near...
II The Public Service Vehicles (Registration of Local Services) Regulations 1986 SI No 1986/1671 were amended by the Public...
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Wedlake Saint letters exchange with Department • THE RAPID RESPONSE of the Department of Transport to a letter from solicitors...
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FLYING DUTCHMAN In spite of its small home-grown engine, Daf s four-axle tipper is no sluggard. Neither does the 30 tonner's...
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Daf 2500 8x4 Multiwheelers c onsiderin g that the basic cab fitted to the Daf 2500 eight wheeler is now some 18years old it...
Daf FAD 2500 8X4. ORIGJNALLY TESTED: 11/5/85. ENGINE: Daf DHS 244 hp. GEARBOX: Z.F 55-92 9 speed. BACK AXLE RATIO: 4.26:1....
Park brake release time have been improved by modification to the Daf 2500 braking system since the original test and there...
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By taking the American Caterpillar engine for its S108, Foden has come up with a steady workhorse that those working in the...
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Foden S1 08 8 x 4 Multiwheelers s ince the test of the Foden S108 with Caterpillar engine as reprinted in the "Old Road Test...
FODEN S108 8 x4. ORIGINALLY TESTED: 5/5/84. (Gardnerengined model tests 2/5/87; 11/5/85) ENGINE: CATERPILLAR 3306 B 270hp....
Foden believes that the Caterpillar 3306-powered 5108 offers an excellent combination of performance, economy and light weight....
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If kerbweight and price are less important to operators than handling and performance, M-B's latest tipper will carve a niche...
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Mercedes-Benz 3025K 8x4 Multiwheelers W hen the Mercedes-Benz 3025K ei g ht wheeler was tested by CM in May 1986 the model had...
MERCEDES-BENZ 3025K 8x4. ORIGINALLY TESTED: 3/5/86. ENGINE: MB 0M422.111 non turbo. 247 hp. GEARBOX: ZF 16S-112GP 16-speed...
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Show in September 1988 for their first sight f the result of the Daf/Enasa cab development; it follows therefore that the...
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Seddon Atkinson 301 8x4 Multiwheelers A t the time of the road test of the Seddon Atkinson 301R30.L25, 8x4 tipper, the Cummins...
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Volvo's F17 eight-legger tipper has always sold well. Now its FL10 stablemate looks set to steal its thunder, thanks to more...