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Unless a settlement has been reached between the Government and the Transport and General Workers Union, 77,000 municipal...
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• The basic principles of a scheme for the licensing of transport managers, as called for in the Transport Bill, has been...
from new levy structure • Another training levy is to be raised by the Road Transport Industry Training Board, payable in...
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• The Road Haulage Association has criticized the announcement of the second training levy by the RTITB and has asked the...
• Mr. A. N. Todd has accepted the invitation of the Minister of Transport to become part-time chairman of the National Bus...
S trike call from our industrial correspondent • The threatened strike of 77,000 municipal busmen, due to start on Monday,...
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• A five-year exercise on transport costs is being carried out by the Road Haulage Association with the professional assistance...
• A new ferry for the Southampton-Isle of Wight service, the Norris Castle (760 tons), was launched yesterday by Red Funnel...
• 'We're now in August at the beginning of the real holiday season for most people. I am not going to repeat all the usual...
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• A new distributor network for Austin and Morris commercial vehicles was announced last week by the British Leyland Motor...
• Complaints continue to be made from international hauliers that lack of proper supervision at the ports makes it possible for...
• The Minister of Transport has authorized the London Borough of Barnet to accept the £288,948 tender of Fitzpatrick and Son...
Public transport needs on Tyneside and Wearside up to the end of the century are to be studied as part of a huge.four-year...
• The motoring organizations are carrying out a nationwide survey to find whether, as a result of financial stringency, local...
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by John Darker • POrtable extensible Joloda tracks enabling 20ft ISO containers to be loaded in seconds are likely to arouse...
• The directors of Maurice James Holdings Ltd. have announced that they have reached agreement with the shareholders of...
• When, last May, the German Government submitted to the EEC draft regulations for new lorry standards, some concern was felt...
• Price reductions ranging to 10 per cent for most of the popular models of tail-lifts manufactured by Burtonwood Mechanical...
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• The Minister of Transport announced on Wednesday that Mr. A. G. B. Burney, who is senior partner in Binder, Hamlyn and...
• Six companies applied to the NorthWestern Traffic Commissioner in Manchester on Wednesday to operate a joint service between...
• Sir Donald Stokes, British Leyland deputy chairman, on Wednesday announced a vast investment programme for the next four...
• Because of higher operating costs, the Northern General Transport Co. received authority in Newcastle upon Tyne last week to...
receivers' application refused • On Wednesday applications under sec. 173 (1) (c) by C. B. Newcomb and J. M. Fletcher,...
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• After successfully building up a haulage business over five years, a Lancashire operator sought to extend his A-licence in...
• In Preston on Friday it was the applicant without any evidence who got the licence. Two entrants into the industry were...
• United Carriers Ltd. was granted a new A-licence by the Northern LA, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, in Durham last week for 11 vehicles...
• The Yorkshire Area Traffic Commissioners, in a reserved decision announced on July 25, have rejected an application by West...
• An application for an increase in fares made by the Thames Valley Traction Co. Ltd. was rejected last week by the South...
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• An application by a north country based firm for a fleet of six vehicles to operate on A licence from a newly established...
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FIRST STAGE OF LTB BUS RESHAPING PLAN by Derek Moses • The long-awaited reorganization of bus services in the Wood Green...
• Bristol Omnibus Company may take over the corporation run bus service in Swindon, Wilts. This possibility has emerged from...
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• A fleet of 10 AEC Swift single-deckers with front entrance, central exit bodies by W. Alexander and Co. (Coachbuilders) Ltd....
• Bristol Commercial Vehicles Ltd. will be supplying two exhibits at the Commercial Motor Show at Earls Court, a Bristol Type...
• Orders worth almost £350,000 were received by Leyland Motors Ltd., from UK bus operators last week. The orders were for a...
• Keighley Council is to be asked at its next meeting to agree to sell land to KeighleyWest Yorkshire Services Ltd. for...
Revised versions of the municipal and company bus fleet analysis tables for 1967 are now available. Send 4d stamp to cover...
• Association has decided to postpone its • annual dinner and dance from Monday, • September 23, until a date, to be announced....
• Teesside county borough council is to purchase five second-hand trolley buses from Reading Corporation at £250 each, for use...
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by Carolyn Hyams • A genuine and fully-costed productivity agreement was indeed required, but any scheme would have to be...
• A new pay claim for 110,000 company busmen was submitted on Wednesday. It could pose a new threat to the wages policy. The...
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by Paul Brockington • A load-sensing brake valve that is responsive to dynamic changes of load has been announced by Clayton...
• A total load of 141 tons comprising mixer and payload can be carried by the latest Guy Big J 20-ton-gross six-wheeled...
Two-volume treatise • A series of technical treatises by leading authorities on appropriately related and grouped subjects is...
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A lightweight eight-wheel chassis has been introduced by AEC Ltd. It carries the model name Marshal which has previously been...
• Outstanding practical advantages have been claimed for glass-fibre-based tyre undertreads by the Owens-Corning Fiberglas...
ice and mist by Ashley Taylor • A new form of electrically heated bus and coach screen, now ready for launching by Triplex,...
• A new name and address for Vickers Arrnstrongs Onions. Bilston. Staffs.., became effective from July 19, viz Vickers All...
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• Following the recent acquisition of the world-wide interests of the Bostrom suspension seating design and production...
• In tests carried out recently oil-extended natural rubber tyres produced 30 per cent more grip than their equivalent...
Francis Bishop has been appointed Industrial Transport Association education officer—a new post. He takes up his appointment on...
• Awards totalling nearly £5.000 have been awarded from the James Clayton Trust to mechanical engineers working on projects or...
• A new Rootes Motors technical centre is to be established in Coventry following the purchase of the Whitley Works from...
re-elected chairman of the RHA's highways and traffic committee and G. D. James (Wrekin Roadways Ltd., Ketley). has been...
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Our fight on behalf of trade and industry for Licensing Authorities to be given the power (CM July 26) at their discretion to...
I was interested to see the photo of Scammell KD 9168 (CM May 5) and to read in Letters to Editor (CM June 7) about the only...
I read with interest the Ford Owner's Supplement (CM June 21). May I draw your attention to an error on page 27 of the...
I have for many years been interested in British commercial vehicles and have built up a very large collection of brochures...
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by the Hawk * Green for a cop Red, green and blue balloons will be used as distress signals under a new plan in the USA. Road...
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and publications Small diesels Two small-size diesel engines introduced into the UK by Mag Engines Ltd. are suitable for...
I referred last week to the increasing importance of vehicle cleaning in transport fleet operating schedules, and the...
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by Handyman Manpower, maintenance and the MoT (4) • Recently a Commercial Motor reader drew attention to the potential...
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Roadliner BY R. D. CATER, AMInstBE A NEW VERSION of the Daimler Roadliner will be unveiled by Daimler at the Commercial Motor...
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The gap in belief GOOD REPORTS have been received from specialist operators who have provided the raw material for interfirm...
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THE extraordinary growth in the number of users of demountable bulk container systems is clear evidence of the economic...
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DEMOUNTABLE body systems seem likely to play as significant a role in the 1970s as articulation has done in this decade....
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WHEN the container revolution eventually swings into top gear all sizable general haulage contractors with no equipment for...
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IN a previous article some general considerations on the design of parcels and smalls depots were discussed. It is proposed in...
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Turner two-stroke three-cylinder diesel engine for installing in a light vehicle in place of a petrol engine. It has the...
there have been any recent articles on Continental haulage as I am considering transporting goods to Europe in the near future...
ment of Government Transport In Sydney, New South Wales, had ordered 200 Leyland Atlantean double-deckers. No details were...
a 12-seater minibus to be used for private hire purposes. And where do I apply for such licences? Is it possible to carry out a...
A BR's road vehicles like all other road vehicles are taxed on unladen weight. The containers and their contents are part of...
van bodies, would the body be included in the unladen weight for tax purposes? A Where goods are packed in a body before " it...
the preservation of vintage P.S.V., I own and occasionally drive an ancient singleor double-decker. Will I have to hold a heavy...
A When the Transport Bill becomes law the " present system of carriers' licensing will cease to operate. This means that all...
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SURVEYS I have made for Common room in the past on the state and progress of transport education in various parts of the world...
IT MUST be remembered that it is only for the 11 reasons listed (CM August 2) that a vehicle can be legally used under a...