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Expansion For Bostrom Plant At Northampton
• Following the recent acquisition of the world-wide interests of the Bostrom suspension seating design and production organization by the American complex, Universal Oil......
Tyre Grip Comparison Tests
• In tests carried out recently oil-extended natural rubber tyres produced 30 per cent more grip than their equivalent synthetic rubber counterparts, it is claimed. The tests......
Education Officer For Ita
Francis Bishop has been appointed Industrial Transport Association education officer—a new post. He takes up his appointment on September 2.. Mr. Bishop is on the staff of......
Awards To Engineers
• Awards totalling nearly £5.000 have been awarded from the James Clayton Trust to mechanical engineers working on projects or studies, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers......
New Technical Centre For Rootes
• A new Rootes Motors technical centre is to be established in Coventry following the purchase of the Whitley Works from HawkerSiddeley Dynamics Ltd. About 1.500 members of the......
S. G. Dean {g. H. Dean {marlow) Ltd.) Has Been
re-elected chairman of the RHA's highways and traffic committee and G. D. James (Wrekin Roadways Ltd., Ketley). has been re-elected vice-chairman. The labour relations committee......