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Blmc's New Austin Morris Network
• A new distributor network for Austin and Morris commercial vehicles was announced last week by the British Leyland Motor Corporation. The combined total of 223 distributors......
No Check On Foreign Vehicles
• Complaints continue to be made from international hauliers that lack of proper supervision at the ports makes it possible for goods vehicles from other countries to enter the......
Roads Report
• The Minister of Transport has authorized the London Borough of Barnet to accept the £288,948 tender of Fitzpatrick and Son (Contractors) Ltd. for the first stage of the......
Buchanan Transport Survey
Public transport needs on Tyneside and Wearside up to the end of the century are to be studied as part of a huge.four-year survey to be carried out by Prof. Colin Buchanan and......
Economy Threat To Highway Safety?
• The motoring organizations are carrying out a nationwide survey to find whether, as a result of financial stringency, local authorities have resorted to economies in highway......