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W ITH the return of almost general prosperity and conditions more favourable to farming, the need for the agricultural...
W HAT an immense machinery a tiny button may put into operation ! We have in mind the police aganization. A mile an hour too...
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Dealing with Loading has been urged by the Suggested Eastern Licensing Authority to introduce a regulation prescribing that...
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• The more fragile the load the better the road. That Eaton bodywork should be good for mobile restaurants.: That "One Hears"...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever Points arising, as a carriage is by the...
HE fact that, in crder to test its genuineness, he •quoted a particularly high rate for a certain class of traffic; and still...
Sir William Hart, North Western Deputy Licensing Authority, has refused an A licence to Messrs. M. Wolstenholme and Sons, of...
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That great inconvenience was caused to farmers in the north-east of Scotland in consequence of the shortage of cattle floats,...
port section of Bradford Chamber of Trade passed a resolution expressing the view that the Proposed Central Board on wages...
THE railway companies' application I for increased freight charges was discussed at a meeting of the general committee of the...
panies' objection was that, where facilities existed, no toad applicant should he allowed to expand, despite an improvement in...
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In the year ended March 31, 1937, 1,217 lorries, vans and buses, of a value of Rs: 33.1 lakhs, were imported into India from...
T HERE is a feeling among carriers that the North-Western Area is the only one in which a double type of condition is imposed....
A HAULAGE firm's application for tik permission to replace a trailer by a motor for the transport of rail-borne goods was...
A T Liverpool, last week, Mr. Eric Errington, M.P., replied to a submission by Mr. G. H. P. Bearnes, on behalf of the railways,...
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Although the authorities at Birmingham have, for some time past, successfully operated fire tenders equipped with hydraulic...
Judgment was given in a test case by Sheriff Malcolm, at Dundee, last Friday, when Murray Lornie Thomas, motof agent and...
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A case which occupied the Louth magistrates some considerable time, last week, was that in which the East Midland Licensing...
A ' applicant at Chester, last week, was refused a renewal of his A licence on the ground that he had changed the nature of...
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Consideration to the Baillie report was given, last week, by the traffic section of lyottingham Chamber of Commerce. It was...
The largest order ever received at one time for Fordson tractors to be exported to Australia has recently been completed at the...
O r- I N THURSDAY of last week the Ford Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Boreham, near Chelmsford, was inaugurated at a...
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WATCH YOUR STEP! R ATE-CUTTING is the root evil of all the troubles of the haulage industry. It has implemented the...
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B ELOW we present a brief review of some of the novelties spotted by a special representative at the Royal Show at...
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I N conjunction with Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd.,. John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., has recently supplied two special...
O N Monday, Tottenham Borough Council staged an official inspection of its new system of dustless refuse collection which has...
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The Road Transport Meeting of the International Chamber . of Commerce Reduced to a Farce and Valuable Time Wasted By jam'...
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A Progressive Outlook Characterizes Treatment of a Growing Problem. High-speed Coach Travel on New Motor Roads U NDOUBTEDLY one...
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A Northern Ireland Haulage Association Reveals Shocking Details of the -Alleged Inhuman ,Treatment Meted Out to Operators of...
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ANSPORT OWES ROYAL" By H. Scott Hall, M.I.A.E., M.I.T.A. I T is a fact beyond question that the Royal Agricultural Show is...
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High-performance Chassis, with Independent Front Suspension, Lends' Itself Well as Foundation of Attractive Pontiac Tender W...
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MINISTRY TO MAKE THE ROADS SAFE. The Ministry of Transport proposes to make all roads safe. Every defect capable of remedy...
IF the Baillie Committee's recom mendations on wages and conditions be accepted, the three independent members recommended for...
WHEN Mr. G. Lester, hon. secretary . W of the Gloucester Sub-area of A.R.O., was shown, a short while ago, one of our circulars...
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A.R.O. has been in touch with the other interests which collaborated in the foundation of the Employers' Conference, with a...
A.R.O. ancillary users' hoard decided, last week, in favour of C-licensees beir s ig treated on the same basis ,as 'hauliers in...
By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent TRAFFIC COMMISSIONERS' TENURE OF .OFFICE. I N the House of Lords on Tuesday the...
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T ' HE optimistic the subject note which was e subject of our comment at the Royal Show, last year, is even more pronounced...
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I T is to be hoped that, as an outcome of the conference of the Transport and General Workers Union, at Torquay, this week, -...
A PPEALS by Leeds Corporation concerning the issue at workmen's cheap tickets on privately owned bus services came before Mr....
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CONDITIONS imposed by the North '....Western Traffic Commissioners on Ribble Motor Services, Ltd:,concerning the availabilityof...
A FINE point of law was involved in ,a case before Stornoway Sheriff Court. John Mitchell was charged with employing Malcolm...
Studied in New Leylands 100 New Titan 56-seaters for London Transport Have Novel Features VENTILATION and the comfort of V...
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Many Practical Features in the Latest Garner Models which Range from 2-24-ton to 5-6-ton Capacity. Prices and Wheelbases of All...
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and QUERIES CLEARING HOUSES AND CUT RATES. [50781 Since Mr. Ashton Davies has evaded replying to mr-letter, I am not very...
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Despite Difficulties, Scottish Farmers are to an Increasing Extent Adopting Mechanization to Cut Loss S COTIAND has not been a...
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F ROM Norway comes, in patent No. 4643,595 (void), an interesting design of independent suspension as applied to a bus chassis,...