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PROPOSALS from the Inland Revenue which could end the 10-week-old row over subsistence have finally been published. But the...
PLANS to set up break-bulk freight complexes in London have been given the green light —and the scheme could become the...
THE Freight Transport A ciation teach-in prograi on EEC logbooks is to extended following t h success. The initial 70...
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.ORRY DRIVERS who are riendly with lone mothers can , xpect to have the beady eye I the social security "sex noopers" focused...
BUS LANES have been saving London Transport £500,000 and attracting 2.3m extra passenger miles—as well as slightly easing...
the first three months of le year goods vehicle operatig costs rose by only one per ent in the heavier vehicle mge. And...
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by OM reporter TRANSPORT and General Workers' Union proposals to give half the seats on the boards of State corporations to...
As well as the courses lea ing to the certificate and t diploma in transport studi4 there are post-certificat diploma courses...
A CALL for safety and weight checks on all foreign lorries arriving at British ports was rejected last week by Dr John Gilbert,...
SCOTLAND should have I own Transport Minister. T1 is one of the demands made 1 the Scottish Association f Public Transport in...
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3ppeal procedure am our Parliamentary correspondent . ABSURD procedures" had suited in costs of £3,000 to small coach company...
FOR the second time since its introduction in September 1973, production of the Ford ASeries integral van is to cease. The van...
The climb-down by the Inland Revenue on the taxation of subsistence issue is just one more example of bureaucrats' producing...
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[IP LICENSING introduced ast month might mean price Increases for customers, warned Waste Disposal Association secretary Mr...
taken idequate steps to ensure its rehioles were properly mainained, the Northern LA, Mr 3. J. Foster, decided to take ro...
NEW SERVICES between the UK and South West Germany and Switzerland have 'been announced by McGregor Cory Europe. Last week saw...
OVERTIME will be banned at British Leyland's truck and bus factories in Lancashire from the beginning of next month unless a...
TO ENCOURAGE top management to take a close look at their company's transport operation, Inbucon / AIC Management Consultants...
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THE National Travel Survey being carried out for the Department of the Environment is covering 15,000 households, and costing...
THE BRIDGE by-pass is finally open—much to the relief of up to 700 truck drivers using the road to Dover every day. The new...
yellow line markings for waiting and loading restrictions have made the Freight Transport Association see red. This week the...
A WARNING to lorry drivers of the risks involved in taking dogs and other pets with them on journeys to and from the Continent...
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tlORE THAN 30 tons of "bad ebts" were on the road last reek when British Debt lervices moved its credit eference bureau into...
TRACTIVE UNITS stolen from various parts of South East England were driven to the Continent with false number plates and some...
MORE JOBS in commercial vehicle manufacturing are forecast in a survey published by Manpower Ltd this week. Covering the third...
HEN general haulier Ken nderson decided to switch m haulage to recovery perator, he decided to build is own wrecker. The...
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MANAGEMENT and staff at London Country's new Crawley works agreed at Sunday's open day that things have been going well during...
BUS SERVICES in urban areas should stay under the control of local authorities. And merging with the National Bus Company would...
TROPICAL temperatures have brought a spate of overheating problems and other failures. In South Yorkshire the figures have...
PROPOSALS from the Department of the Environment to increase the fees for psv licences, Certificates of Fitness and Road...
Marshall's deckers MARSHALLS of Cambridg have joined the bodybuilder prepared to build double deckers. The first two bodies...
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THE Department of the Environment is to hold experiments in relaxing the psv licensing laws in four areas : North Yorkshire,...
HE BATTLE between Waterouse Coaches Ltd, Polegate, ussex, and Southdown Motor ervices Ltd, to decide which hould be licensed to...
hours control books in much the same way as HGV drivers. This was announced by Dr John Gilbert, the Minister of Transport in...
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all round performer," according to the engineering department of the National Freight Corpora tion. The unit has just completed...
TWO Magirus-Deutz tractive units have been on trial with BRS companies—one operating in the North West and the other with...
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JUMBLED up with the tractors, haymakers, harvesters and elevators at the Royal Agricultural Show at Kenilworth this year was...
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FIREPROOF? Take advantage of this CM cut-price offer for a fire extinguisher A fire is always something that happens to...
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by Johnny Johnson WELL acquainted with unit load transport to the Continent over the past decade, the Barking-based transport...
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OF all the claims made by leading research engineers in ' recent years giving promise of a breakthrough in diesel engine...
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While I was reading the programme for the 1976 Fleet Management Conference my attention was caught by the paper to be presented...
This waste conservation business really is catching on. Even over in America, the land of plenty, the big country where things...
These rallies seem to be never ending. I've heard of another one, due to take place on August 22 in Bristol. In the past it has...
Now this is not the bought, sold and wanted column, but just for this week I'm taking a bit of scope. Mr Ogunsanwo, the trid of...
It was hot and sticky last Friday evening; the weekend traffic jams in the South East were piling up as Londoners made for the...
Going, going, but not yet gone. It seems I've been hearing for years that Reg Cole—the BRS contracts king—is about to retire...
I met Reg the same day as Arthur Smith too,k leave of some of his Midland BRS friends and a few customers at the Royal Regatta...
IT took one bus driver to stop a gang of amateur wagesnatchers near Leeds. It really wasn't their day! The four-man gang...
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ON MERSEYSIDE there are independent driver training schools which appear to be giving a poor bargain to would-be professional...
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carried on a public service vehicle ? Does the vehicle capacity, including standing passengers, have to be marked on the...
hgv Class 3 licence restricted to 10 tonnes. If he obtains this licence will he be able to drive an artic tractive unit which...
he has threatened to take his case to the Industrial Tribunal. If his case is upheld, will I be compelled to reinstate him ?...
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by T. L. Jose FROM April 1976, to May 21 1976, CM carried a series of short, sharp articles on "Updating insurance." Did you...
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May I take your book reviewer to task for his criticism of Maurice Kelly's book —The Undertype Steam Road Wagon, particularly...
I was interested in Mr Gibson's letter (June 25) concerning manual transmission and British buses. After several years in the...
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of contract hire by John Darker JUST as many people are finding it cheaper and more convenient to hire a car on contract...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEI), MIMI, AMIRTE IT is always sad when an employer has to sack an employee, not because of his...
YOU run the greatest risk in bed, according to the old joke. More people die there than anywhere else, Nobody puts the idea...
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TO ensure reliable operation in all sorts of conditions, modern cooling systems are complex. On some of them, pipes seem to go...