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W HAT an optimist the British Transport Commission must be if it hopes to receive enthusiastic applause for the suggested...
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T HE first annual report and statement of accounts of the British Transport Commission has naturally been awaited with great...
The Danger of Turning qamE people have conRed Petrol into White " sidered the possibility of to Deceive Police, . treating...
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That the Northern Lights are beginning to dim. That it may require an eclipse of the fanatical nationalizers to save them. Of...
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r1ERCE attacks' have been made by Mr. G. W. Hayter, general manager and chief engineer of the Northern General Transport Co.,...
O F the whole country's consumption of petrol during 1948, 6 per cent. was used by public service vehicles, according to...
A TOTAL of 19 concerns was taken .over by the British Transport Commission from August 28 to August 31. They are as follows: —...
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R ECENTLY issued by the Ministry Xof Transport, the Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) Regulations, 1949, amend past...
A N inquiry into the running of .1 - 1 Glasgow Corporation Transport Department is to be Made by a subcommittee of seven...
F OUR battery-electric vehicles will form the basis of eneriments to be carried out by British Railways in the use of this type...
Fund for the maintenance and minor improvement of trunk roads in Britain for the 1949-50 period totals £7,205,000. This figure...
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MR. T. DAVIES has been appointed representative for Pirelli, Ltd.; in West Wales. MR. JOHN GRAY has been ap pointed traffic...
V JEHICLES from which ice cream is V retailed have been under g oin g a transforination over the years—smarter and more hy g...
port Committee has been asked by the Sunderland Trades Council to extend the availability of cheap tickets. These are in use...
A N announcement by Sir William, Rootes is to the effect that arr a n g ements have been a g reed with the Government of India...
XAMINATION of the May re g is1-4ratiOn fi g ures, recently issued by the • Ministry of Transport, shows a great increase in the...
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A 'DISPUTE between Middlesbrough • Corporation .Transtiort Committee and the Transport and "General Workers' Unibi) lover :...
I NCLUDED in the interior appoint ment of two Dennis Lancet III coaches recently delivered to Glenton Tours, Ltd.,397 Queen's...
A NEW sub-area of the Road Haulage Association has been formed at Cannock Chase in the West Midlands. Mr. J. Leadbetter is the...
TN order to give better service and "repair facilities, Joseph Cockshoot and Co., Ltd., Manchester, has recently taken over...
T HE Bristol Co-operative Society has announced its intention to enter the field of motor trading, petrol supply and garage...
A LL-METAL btis bodies are to be made in India by a subsidiary of Hindustan Aircraft, Ltd., Bangalore. In the next few years...
T HE fourth edition of "The Law of Trade Unions," by I-1: Samuels, M.A., has now been published by Stevens and Sons, Ltd., of...
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TRAFFIC carried by road transport 1 contractors in the United States increased consistently from 1944 until last year, whilst...
T WO vehicles, loaded with bottles of lighter fuel, left unattended in Addiscombe, Croydon, led to a fine of £20, with £2 2s....
IT is announced by the Royal Agricul tural Society of England Plat the 1950 Royal Show will be held at Oxford on July 4-7....
N EXT meeting of the Bristol branch of the industrial Transport Association will be held at the Grand Hotel, Bristol, at 7...
A MOBILE, self-service, pay-as-your - 1 leave grocery shop has recently been acquired by the Walsall and District Co-operative...
A NOTHER tram service in New castle-on-Tyne will be replaced by buses on September 11, and afterwards the only trams operating...
A SCOTTISH haulier travelled 100 I - 1. miles to Aberdeen recently to support his application for a licence, only to learn the...
T HE first three trainees to be taken into the Associated Omnibus Companies' training scheme, which was introduced about three...
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O PPOSITION to the British Transport Commission's proposed scheme for the co-ordination of passenger road transport in...
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Northern Factory Saves Five Man-days a Week After Reorkanizing Its Plant to Exploit the Stillage System I N many existing...
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WHEN Tygan was introduced last VV year, tests of this woven plastic 4holstery were started. by bodybuilders and transport...
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PULL at LOW FUE I: 1 0 ST P OWER with economy were the main features observed during the road test of the Atkinson six-wheeled...
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Large and Small Mechanical Handling Equipment which Saves Man-hours and Gives Operating Economy I N two appliances recently...
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Kraft Cheese Co., Ltd., Hayes; Middlesex, which operates a large fleet of vehicles embracing England and Scotland, is that...
A VEHICLE immobilizing device, made by the Lunken Co.. Ltd., Gander Green Lane, Cheam, Surrey, makes vehicle theft practically...
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This Important Article Examines and Suggests Remedies for the Various Factors Which Greatly Undermine the Efficiency of City...
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N OBODY so far has written the novel that ought to be written about road haulage, and, if the state planners have their way, it...
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T HE following is a recent extract from the "Glasgow Herald ":— " An offer to discuss the establishment of a national college...
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DEPRECIATION How Conditions of Operation Affect a Vita! Item in an Operator's Accounts, and why a Depreciation Fund is...
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H ITHERTO, the usual method of lubricating such a component as a back axle has been to keep the oil at a certain level and to...