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Busmen Press For Overtime Award
A 'DISPUTE between Middlesbrough • Corporation .Transtiort Committee and the Transport and "General Workers' Unibi) lover : payment for Saturdayafternoon viork; has been......
Altimeters Fitted In Dennis Coaches
I NCLUDED in the interior appoint ment of two Dennis Lancet III coaches recently delivered to Glenton Tours, Ltd.,397 Queen's Road, London, S.E14, is an altimeter which, mounted......
R.h.a. Expansion
A NEW sub-area of the Road Haulage Association has been formed at Cannock Chase in the West Midlands. Mr. J. Leadbetter is the chairman, with Mr. E. Hemintngsley as secretary.......
New Nuffield Depot
TN order to give better service and "repair facilities, Joseph Cockshoot and Co., Ltd., Manchester, has recently taken over Globe Works, near Belle Vue, where extensive......
Bristol Co-op. Opens Out In Motor Trading
T HE Bristol Co-operative Society has announced its intention to enter the field of motor trading, petrol supply and garage repair work with the hope of establishing a chain of......
India Develops Herindustry
A LL-METAL btis bodies are to be made in India by a subsidiary of Hindustan Aircraft, Ltd., Bangalore. In the next few years prefabricated bodies will be manufactured for......
Trade Union Textbook
T HE fourth edition of "The Law of Trade Unions," by I-1: Samuels, M.A., has now been published by Stevens and Sons, Ltd., of 119-120, Chancery Lane, • London, W.C.2. An......