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Men In The News
MR. T. DAVIES has been appointed representative for Pirelli, Ltd.; in West Wales. MR. JOHN GRAY has been ap pointed traffic superintendent with Lincoln Corporation. MR. R.......
Hygienic Ice-cream Sales Saloon
V JEHICLES from which ice cream is V retailed have been under g oin g a transforination over the years—smarter and more hy g ienic types being demanded by present-day standards.......
Cheap Fares Plea By Trades Council The Sunderland...
port Committee has been asked by the Sunderland Trades Council to extend the availability of cheap tickets. These are in use until 6 p.m. and the Trades Council contends that......
Rootes Company For India
A N announcement by Sir William, Rootes is to the effect that arr a n g ements have been a g reed with the Government of India for the Rootes Group to form a subsidiary company......
More New Vehicles
XAMINATION of the May re g is1-4ratiOn fi g ures, recently issued by the • Ministry of Transport, shows a great increase in the number of newly re g istered commercial vehicles......