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Ver And 3ove Cpc
EAD with interest J. A. tcher's letter in your ivember 19 issue regarding Certificate of Professional mpetence. Nhile fully agreeing with his sire to see managers in both......
Do Much In Te Public Eye
ANNOY1NG and !strafing to find that road ers still use the high-intensity 3r lamps even when there is ly the slightest hint of mist d worse still during a rainyen night when......
Historical Notes ...
I, TOO like Mr May (CM October 15} and Mr Buglass (CM November 5) think of Commercial Motor as much more than an operators' journal. In fact since the demise of The Automobile......
Collectors Corner
IN CM October 151 noticed a letter from Mr John May of Alberta, Canada, requesting a compilation of old CM articles. i do agree with Mr May that such a publication would make......