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Who Decides?
INTHE late '90s, the Department for Transport decided that it would allow trucks up to 7.5 GVW to have an increased speed of lOmph above what they were previously allowed on......
Action Now
HOW MUCH WORSE can traffic congestion get? Gordon Brown has promised consultation on motorway charging, but what difference would that make? The Department for Transport (DIT)......
Wtd Poses Threat To Industry
YOUR CORRESPONDENT Robert DodsBrown (CM 20 January) has prompted me to write the letter that has been rolling round my head for the past few months. I find myself in an......
Working Time Directive Is Unfair On Us All
THE PERSON who has taken the most broad-minded view of forthcoming events to be inflicted upon our industry is Steve Hobbs. (CM 2 December 2004) who has seen the whole picture,......