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Hall And Thames Grit To Merge
P ROPOSALS were made • known last week of a plan by Hall and Co., Ltd., and Thames Grit and Aggregates, Ltd., to merge through an exchange of shares into a new holding company......
London Transport Chairman On Traffic Problems
A DEFINITE and encouragi n , z improvement " in the bus stati position is reported by Mr. A. B. B. Valentine, London Transport chairman, in a review addressed to the Executive's......
No Inquiry
From our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE Minister of Transport has decided not to set up an independent public inquiry into London Transport. Stating this in the Commons last......
Bus Pay Talks
From our Industrial Correspondent ik 4Ft. TOM CLARO, the Ministry of in Labour's Chief Conciliation Officer. informed the unions last week that he has agreed to take up the......
New Look For Victoria Booking Hall
M ODERNIZATION of the booking ball at Victoria Coach Station, London, has now been completed. The work has been carried on over the past four months, whilst booking work......