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On The Merchandise Trail
The Scramble for Return Loads is On A NOTHER London transport concern has decided to follow the lead of Merchandise Transport and Arnold Transport (Rochester), Ltd. This time it......
M.p. And " Risk " Of Cafe Drinks
EEARS that all transport cafes would 1 be able to serve drinks if the Licensing . Bill in its present form became law were expressed by several M.P.s last week. The Government......
Industry Must Have Freedom Of Choice
W ITHIN the limits laid down for normal commercial traffic, it was the Government's policy to leave industry free to choose the most suitable and economic method of transport......
" Substance In Their Fears"
Pl. A T the time of going to Press the Transport Tribunal had still not issued the reasons for their decision in the Merchandise and Arnold cases, but at this time it is......
Improving Industrial Relations
From Our Industrial Correspondent 1NEXPECTEDLY good progre: 'i appears to have been made whe Mr. John Hare, Minister of Labou presided over the second meeting c motor industry......
Bus Pay Trebled Since Pre-war
vV AGES of bus drivers are now nearly three times the immediate pre-war rate. Mr. Peter Thomas, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour, said in the Commons last week......
Leyland Production Round
P RODUCTION of Leyland vehicles fc export has increased by 32 per cen during the first eight weeks of this yer compared with the same period in 1961 say Leyland Motors, Ltd. An......