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It's Merger Week
TWO OF THE best known companies in the haulage and distribution business have been subject of takeovers in the past week. SPD, as expected, is 99 per cent certain to be bought......
Blacking Order
A HIGH COURT judge has ordered an end to the blacking by Cardiff dockers of lorries owned by Gloucestershire haulage firms, Richard Read (Transport) and George M. Read, both of......
Num Blacklist
A LIST of hundreds of hauliers from all over the country that have allegedly crossed miners' poicket lines has been compiled by the National Union of Mineworkers. Copies have......
'no More Than 38'
THIRTY-EIGHT tonnes is the optimum weight for lorries in Britain, Transport Minister Lynda Chalker said this week. She told CM at the Road Haulage Association's annual......