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Hit And Run
I would like to nominate the driver of our school minibus who one morning in January, 1984, as he was coming through Molesey, Surrey, at 6.4 5pm, witnessed a car knock a......
Attack Resisted
On January 25 this year, a delivery driver, having finished a delivery to the London Tara Hotel, was grabbed by two men as he was getting back into his van. They told him they......
Eight Brave Transport Me
JUDGING began last Friday for the 1984 Mark Vane Memorial Award. Eight nominations have been submitted to the panel and the result will be known in 10 days' time. The judges......
Hosp Tal Fire
Mr W was driving his bus on service l through the grounds of $t Crispin Hospital, Northarripton, when he saw smoke rising from a small building near the road. He stopped to......