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German Expert Refutes Significance Of Aasho Road Tests
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT A DAMAGING indictment of the AASHO road tests has been made by the PI German road haulage association (BDF) as the result of recent research carried......
Gpo Vehicles In ' Dim-dip ' Experiment
D URING the coming winter about 1,700 Post Office vehicles in the London area will take part in a " dimdip" headlight road-safety experiment mounted on behalf of the Minister of......
Customs Documentation For Semi-trailers
T HE Customs authorities have announced their intention to continue on a permanent basis the procedure introduced experimentally on April 1, whereby British hauliers running to......
New Merryweather Fire Appliances
A NEW range of fire appliances known as the Marquis Series Seven models, based on the latest AEC Mercury chassis, has been announced by Merryweather and Sons Ltd., Greenwich......
'yardstick' Judge Brs Company To Efficiency?
1-1 A MODIFIED, rather than abolished. carriers' licensing system, a network of goods traffic control points under Licensing Authorities, and a new large haulage group to......
Detailed Conditions For Inland Clearance Centres
VfORE detailed conditions for the estab lishment of inland examination centres for containerized (raffle have been announced by HM Customs and Excise, and are obtainable from......