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Rha Costs 'iurvey Begins
E Road Haulage Association has iked 100 members to assist in a telly survey of operating costs. The !rt members represent as nearly as issible a comprehensive sample of tge......
Trta On Geddes
E Traders Road Transport Associaion's support for the Geddes Report to allow own-account vehicles to • for hire and reward is given on the assumption that it would not lead tat......
Fares Dispensation For Coach Firm
N objection by a Shropshire coach operator to fares increases proposed by the West Midland Traffic Commissioners led to a two-clay hearing at Birmingham this week. Midland Red......
Myer Training Board Urged
HEN representatives of 15 C-licensees met in London on Wednesday for the :vening meeting of the new Association idustrial Road Safety Officers, Mr. R. n, of Watneys, took the......
No Customer Support—no Grant
W LTSHI RE haulage contractor applying for extra vehicles to haul Tial from Staffordshire to Westbury. ;hire, was without " one single shade upporting evidence either by letter......
London Haulier Loses Vehicle From Licence
W HEN Huntingdonshire police stopped a vehicle recently and asked the driver who owned it. a chain of events was started which ended in the Metropolitan Traffic Court on Monday.......