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'we Made It Despite Bandits, Bends And Border Snags'
From lain Sherriff, Tehran, April 5 WELL, WE MADE IT. Our depleted convoy arrived here in Iran's capital at 19.30 hours today-18 days after the start and six days late. On this......
No Room For Lorry Parks?
IT APPEARS that ambitious plans set out in the report of the 1971 Working Party on Lorry Parking are not likely to be realised, according to Mr Neil Carmichael, Under-Secretary......
Jeremy For Fta Annual Dinner
THE ANNUAL dinner of the FTA is to be held on April 28 at the London Hilton Hotel, Park Lane, London, WI. The main guest speaker will be Jeremy Thorpe, Leader of the Liberal......
Road/air Service To Far East
A NEW FREIGHT service to the Far East, operated by a combination of trailer movement and air freight, has been launched by international freight forwarders Transflash Units of......
Private Sidings Interest 40
ABOUT 40 companies are currently engaged in the first stage of the procedure for installing private railways sidings, planning schemes with British Rail or Freightliners Ltd,......
Ml Delays
EXTENSIVE delays are expected on MI between Breakspear (junction 8) and Friars Wash (junction 9) on April 15 and 22 because of roadworks involving a contraflow traffic scheme.......