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October Launch For Nc
• Wigan-based bodybuilder Northern Counties plans to diversify outside its traditional doubledeck business with the launch of its allaluminium single-deck Countybus body at......
Plaxton Cuts Its Workforce
• Plaxton Coach & Bus has made 44 staff redundant and imposed a pay freeze on its remaining 750-strong workforce until July 1992 in a bid to ride out the recession. Redundancies......
Comfort Shift Heads For The Uk
• Scania plans to introduce an electro-pneumatic gearshifting system into the UK on its latest GR801 seven-speed coach gearbox, which is currently only available on the......
Cunliffe Converts Leyland Daf 400
• WB Cunliffe & Son (Coachbuilders) has developed a conversion on the Leyland Daf 400 high-roof van, which includes a full-height jack-knife door placed forward of the saloon......