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Longer Uk Arta G Iort Shrift
• The British Government is to fight European Commission plans to increase the maximum length of articulated trucks by one metre, and improve driver safety by scrapping the need......
• A Llandudno Man, Who Tried In Vain To Save
a lorry driver from drowning in the River Clwyd, could be nominated for a bravery award. The accident happened on a 16th-century bridge in Rhudd tan when a Manweb lorry,......
Hazchem Haulier Hammered
MI A northern hazchem tanker haulier, who failed to train his driver properly, failed to maintain his vehicle adequately and who leaked highly inflammable liquid across the......
Lveco Ford Still Leads The Registration War
• The big rush is on for Freg commercial vehicles, with around 24,000 registered in the first week of August compared with 19,000 last year, according to early Society of Motor......