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Ms And Trailerent To Merge
• The truck contract-hire and rental interests of Ford & Slater, and Trailerent, both part of the Mercantile Group, are to be merged giving the new division a fleet of more than......
Hdl Acquires Sms For London Debut
• Hillsdown Distribution maintenance division HDL Engineering has bought Southern Mobile Services of London, which runs a 10-bay commercial vehicle workshop and tachograph......
Ibc Uses Pendulum System
• A controversial arbitration method, intended to avoid strikes, is being used for the first time in the UK vehicle industry at Luton-bised van rnanfacturer IBC. The pendulum......
• Express Carrier Panic Link Has Announced Ambitious...
take on 30 new franchisees and 300 employees at a computerised sorting depot in Lount, Leicestershire — less than a year after entering the crowded UK parcels market. The Market......
Cg Trucks Move To Cv Rental
• Cumbrian Iveco Ford truck dealer CG Truck is moving into commercial vehicle rental. Steven Parkinson (right) will head the operation, which is starting off with three Ford......