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Haulage Men Are Not Worse. Off
HE Guillebaud Report on railway.1 men's wages contains an error that makes labourers in road haulage appear to be lower paid than their opposite numbers in the railways.......
Consoh Idatou Of Fleet Required •
F LEET consolidation at five Scottish bases and additional maintenance capacity were sought by Road Services (Forth), Ltd., before the Scottish Licensing Authority at Glasgow......
New Loading Bans In London Area
R ESTR1CTIONS on waiting and load-LI , . ing and unloading by vehicles were introduced last Sunday in additional streets in Chelsea, Esher, Hendon. Holborn, Ilford, Orpington,......
,component Makers To ' Spend 170*000 The 1960 Development...
Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., will involve capital expenditure in excess of £700,000, A large proportion of -this sum will be spent in the modernization of plant and machinery......
Rover At Cardiff?
A £2m. factory at Cardiff may be built by the Rover Co., Ltd., for the production of Land-Rovers, if current negotiations are fruitful. It is believed that the site will be at......
New Transport Companies
George Curtis (Hauliers), Ltd. Cap. £25,000. Dirs.: William S. G. Curtis and Mrs. Edith C. Curtis, 4 Dale Road, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset. Sec.: Edith C. Curtis. Reg. office: The......