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Variation Of Expired Licence Invalid
THE Metropolitan Traffic Co m mis sioner g ranted Lewis Cronshaw, Ltd., a variation of a licence which had already expired. This fact comes to li g ht in an appeal decision by......
Broken Springs Major.
FAULT B ROKEN or cracked main leaves of sprin g s were the most prevalent fault found on g oods vehicles, the West Midland Maintenance Advisory Cornmittee• have found from .an......
Renewal Of Tours Refused.
ENEWAL of an excursion and tour IA licence from Dronfield and Brimin g ton—said to have been in existence for many years—was refused by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners at......
Low-cost Diesel Service
QERVICING of vehi c le fuel-injection *._./ e q uipment for £6-£I0 is bein g offered by Diesel Smoke Control, Ltd., a company associated with the Dunedin En g ineerin g Co.,......
Parking Company
A NEW company, Parkin g Develop inents, Ltd., has been formed to cater for all facets of parkin g matters... The company, asubsidiary of the London General Cab Co., Ltd., will......
Minister At Exhibition...
A N exhibition to show how :-the . problem of parkin g is bein g " tackled throu g hout the World, 'will 'be Opened next: Thursday by Mr. Finest Marples, Minister of Transport,......
Stage Service Like Excursion
B ECAUSE a proposed sta g e-carria g e service was too much like an excursion, the North Western Traffic Commissioners, on Tuesday, refused Blackpool Transport Department......
Diversions Preferable To New Services
T HE di v ersion or extension of existin g services in Macduff and Banff is preferable to the licensin g of new town services. This view is expre s sed by the Minister of......
Mr. Drummond On Tour
A TWO-MONTH tour of Australia, New Zealand and the Far East is to be made by Mr. W. L. Drummond, sales director of Guy Motors, Ltd. He sets off next Tuesday and will also call......