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Container Transfer
A SIMPLE and inexpensive jacking r – k system for its range of Litex insulated and refrigerated containers has been introduced by Smith's Delivery Vehicles Ltd., Gateshead on......
New Standards
T HE first 10 in a new series of British Standards for the automobile industry have just been issued by the B.S.I. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, which up to......
On Rivets And Pumps
R ECENTLY issued British Standards include B.S. 3575 Rivets for the attachment of friction linin g s — and B.S. 3578 Dimensions of mounting pads for low-pressure mechanical lift......
Versatile Power Steering
A RANGE of power steering e q uipment recently introduced by Vickers Sperry Rand Ltd., New Lane, Havant, Hants, is to be shown at the forthcoming International En g ineerin g......
Made By Filament Winding
p IPES, tubes and vessels made by its process of continuous windin g of resin-impre g nated glass filaments are now offered by Filament Wound Reinforced Plastics Ltd., Stock......
Describing Loaders
A LEAFLET—Publication ref: TL2/63 —covering the range of Edbro 6 to 30 cwt. power take-off and batteryoperated hydraulic taildoor loaders is now available from Edbro-B. and E.......