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Channel Airways Gets Stansted Service
1 Channel Airways were on Monday ranted a one-year licence to run a coach ervice between Stansted Airport and 3ishop's Stortford station. An application )y the Eastern National......
Radius Extension Granted For Waste Disposal
• A waste clearance firm whose original application for a B licence was described by Mr. G. K. Newman, the North Western deputy Licensing Authority, as "hotly contested" was......
Ekir Your Grievances At Hyde Park Corner Ipplicant Told
A haulier who complained that a nonopoly existed in household removals in us area and that there was no room for 3rivate enterprise, called on Mr. G. K. iewman, the North......
Br Bus Service
• British Railways' application to run a peakhour stage carriage service between Liverpool Central Station and Garston Station, heard last week (CM, April 5), has been granted......