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* Swedish Experience
A fascinating and very topical book has just been sent to me. It is the annual report for January to June 1967 of the Swedish motor vehicle inspection organization (AB Svensk......
*keen Types
Yet another organization for transport enthusiasts, I see: the Road Transport Society, which is publishing a quarterly news sheet called Fleet Developments— full of those......
* Counterpoint
Paperwork and form filling takes up a great deal of most businessmen's time. Mr. H. Bradshaw of J. E. Bradshaw and Sons, an East Midland haulier, thinks he may have the answer.......
* Licensed Half-wits
I like the story of the trade union offici making a drive for increased membershi Examining conditions at a transport dep he was reassured that drivers were knockfi up £.15 to......
* More Lux
How many people know what a Lux It has nothing to do with washing small It is one of the expressions we must get use to under the metric system. A 100W general service lamp......
* Green Fingered Secretaries
In many parts of the country recruitment office staff is easier if modern amenities at provided. Soulless open plan offices are likel to be humanized by movable screens an......