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Obbledegook? 0, Rail English
as pleased to see the letter C W IIarlow of Worcester M, March 15) giving monishment for your use of bbledegook words or rases instead of proper iglish. His plea unfortunately......
Pussing Liquid Tetarder
; a company we would like to ake a comment on the tide, 'Synthetic Solutions' by Kelbourne of Silkolene ibricants (CM, March 22), ;pecially in relation to the !ction dealing......
Simmonds Nut — What Happened?
I was amazed to read in (CM, February 22) of wheels being lost from a Seddon Atkinson vehicle through the nuts winding off their studs. How could this happen with all the modern......
Turbochargers Not Schwitzer
The article entitled "Fast turnround" (CM. March 15) said "Turbochargers produced by the big names such as Holset and KKK are built to the American Schwitzer design." In fact,......
Drivers Are Not Perverts
PS: How many child molesters and men who use prostitutes live in Lanarkshire? Are they among the residents objecting to the lorry park? It was with interest I read about the......
Tanfreight Buys British
Publicity given to our plans for replacing the existing Texaco fleet has prompted one or two letters asking why there were no British vehicles included. In fact, at that time we......
M25 Break For Nov Drivers
I refer to your report (CM, April 5) that Welcome Break is to operate the first M25 service area, due to open in May next year. Your report didn't mention the location, South......