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Austria's Night Ban Is On
II Austria's ban on lorries using a key 58km section of road at night (CM, March 8) came into effect on April 7 this year. The ban applies to the road between Lofer and Woergl......
Another Lex Sak
• I.ex Systemline, the contract distribution company hived off last year from Lex Wilkinson, has rejoined its parent under Federal Express. Although Systemline was specifically......
Uk Leasing Grows
• The number of commercial vehicles on rental in the United Kingdom exceeds 3,500 plus 32,700 light vans, according to the "best estimate" of the British Vehicle Rental and......
Dover's Lorry Traffic Up 13 Pc
• The relentless growth of lorry traffic through Dover ha gone on in the first two months of this year, with a 13.5 per cent increase in the number of road haulage units through......
Scots Park Approve
• The 21.7 million Motherwell lorry park which Strathallan Enterprises plans to build (CM. March 29) got planning approval last week b; four votes to three, Some residents have......
Heron Grows With Zanussi
• Heronfreight, the Heron Group distribution specialist which traded until recently as Bailey's of Westbury, has secured a contract from Zanussi to store and distribute domestic......