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Cab Warmer
• New to the UK is the Calix pre-heater designed for warming driving compartments on cold winter mornings. Originating from Sweden, the unit takes its power from a domestic or......
Auxiliary Drive Adds Two Ptos
• The new Chelsea 941 PowerLine PTO offers an auxiliary drive for two PTOs for commercial vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes whose main transmission unit does not usually support a p .......
Rising Bollard Goes Higher
• EPT Automation has introduced a new rising bollard, the Europost 800, with an extended height facility, designed for commercial and industrial premises. It is an addition to......
Longer-life Beacons
• Britax has extended its range of warning beacons with the introduction of the new E approved 270 Series—high intensity, double flash xenon units. The company says maintenance......
Access Detection For Trailers
• A new five-digit mechanical access detection unit, with semi-trailer and trailer applications, has been introduced by OEM Group. Called SecuReSeal, the system has been......