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Success Of Quay Bureau
N EARLY 66,000 vehicles have taken delivery of goods from the Manchester Ship Canal's quays and sheds since the revised quay-delivery bureau opened a year ago. The bureau's......
Court Order Holiday Money Payment
THE Industrial Court have ordered a I C-licensee to pay holiday money to a driver who gave notice. The driver was Mr. Gerald Clements and his employers were P. T. Bishop and......
Ford Plan Centre On Merseyside
A N official annouacement by the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., that they propose to open up a large production centre on Merseyside contains good news for the British Transport......
Transfer From Pulleet Approved
T TWELVE Cheltenham haulage contra tors tors appeared as objectors at Bristol on Monday when Holmes Transport (Cheltenham), Ltd., applied to Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing......