12th February 1960, Page 53
12th February 1960
Page 53

Page 53, 12th February 1960
Does "chemicals" Cover Lime?
I S a g ricultural lime a chemical? This q uestion and a dispute over whether the carria g e of lar g e tonna g es of this material had been done in vehicles licensed for it......
Railways Oppose An Owner-driver
E chief rates clerk of British Rail ways, Bristol, was rebuked by Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensin g Authority, when he objected to an application by an owner-driver for the......
Gas Board Design Special Coke Van
H AVING the outward appearance of a box-van, a Thames Trader with means for the mechanical dischar g e of a 41-ton load of coke has been put . into service by the North Western......