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Nfc Scottish Moves
E SCOTTISH Freight Company :h members of the National Fr gial changes. landy Barrie becomes head of tribution services for Scottish ight. He was previously a siness consultant......
Barton To W. Stringer
TO COINCIDE with a change of address of its Midlands sales office, Waclham Stringer Vehicle Contracts has taken on Trevor Barton as its area sales manager. His main......
Wbrs Managers
WESTERN BRITISH Road Services has made Peter Daniels assistant manager of the Exeter branch and Clive 011is contracts manager at the Avonmouth branch. Mr Daniels has been with......
Darlaston's Win
THE WINCANTON Tranportowned Darlaston Truck Centre has made Jeff Rundell workshop manager. For the past five years he was branch engineer for Midlands British Road Services in......
Package Control Gets Lain
JAMES LAITT has become national sales manager of load restraint manufacturer Package Control. He joined the sales department three years ago and in his new position will control......