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Cm's Tables Of Operating Costs
CM's Tables of Operating Costs were published on June 25. Nine tables covering a wide range of vehicles — from fivehundredweight petrol vans to 32-tonners; and from 12-seater......
Can Heating Save Fuel?
BY HEATING the fuel and thereby reducing its density, Brian Dixon, of Air Products, of Bracknell, Berkshire, in Tim Blakemore's feature on fuel economy (CMJanuary 8) is......
Education, Not Seat Belts
I HEARTILY agree with your leader of January 29, raising the standard of the driving test is a better answer to accident reduction than seat belt compulsion. I have nothing......
Fta Did Not Let Down' Whites
I AM CONCERNED at the inaccurate inferences drawn from our hearing before the Traffic Commissioners (p.181 Jan 29). The headline is totally misleading. Your report gives the......